White Tiger (A Shifter's Unbound Novel)
turned onto the road. Robbie raised his hand in a wave, which Addie shakily returned.
    The motorcycle picked up speed, the bike’s taillight flashing as Kendrick slowed for a turn, then they were gone.
    Addie was left alone in dark, silent warmth, amidst the smell of exhaust and dried grasses, her mouth raw from Kendrick’s hard kiss.
    *   *   *
    A ddie took the 377 and kept heading south. The money Kendrick had left with her burned in the pocket she’d shoved it in. She’d run her thumb over the wad and realized it was about five thousand dollars. She could consider it a tip, she supposed. She’d served some really good pie.
    Addie started laughing, the laughter turning hysterical. She took a deep breath, trying to stifle it. Losing her mind right now wasn’t going to help her.
    Kendrick had told her to leave Texas, to go anywhere. Addie’s heart pounded as she contemplated what to do. Ivywould be scared for her. Her big sister didn’t handle life as well as Addie did—Ivy had a comfort zone she’d rarely left since her divorce.
    But then, if Kendrick was afraid the guys who’d attacked the diner would look for her . . . Addie couldn’t lead them back to her sister’s house, where her innocent nephew and niece lived.
    Kendrick was right—she should leave the state and just keep driving. The only trouble with that was, Texas was such a damn big state, and Loneview was more or less in the center of it. It would take a long time to cross a border. But she had a change of clothes in her trunk—she often changed into and out of her uniform at the diner—and now the money Kendrick had pressed upon her.
    She could go to New Orleans, lie low there in a motel somewhere—however low a person could lie in New Orleans. She could blend in with the tourists, at least.
    Addie’s fingers firmed on the steering wheel. She’d drive on through the night, call Ivy and assure her she was all right, that she needed to get away after the trauma. She’d even mail Ivy some of the money.
    She knew these back roads pretty well and started looking for the turnoff that would let her head east. A little maneuvering would get her into San Antonio, and the 10, which would take her straight to Houston and then to Louisiana and New Orleans.
    A flash of light caught her attention, and Addie glanced into her rearview. Her heart sank as she saw the unmistakable lights of a police car coming up behind her. Had they followed her from the diner? Did they know about Kendrick? The dead Shifters?
    She soon heard the wail of a siren as the car came closer. This might not be about her.
not. But there was no one on this back road but herself.
    The lights grew closer until they were right on her bumper. She knew better than to try to floor it—they’d chase her, and life could get bad after that.
    Their headlights flashed, and they sounded the horn that meant,
Yes, we’re following you, lady, and you need to pull over.
    Swallowing, Addie put on the brakes and halted on the highway’s shoulder.
    A glance into the mirror showed that much of her hair had escaped its ponytail and hung in long hanks down her face. She hoped by all that was holy she hadn’t looked this bad when she’d thrown her arms around Kendrick and kissed the hell out of him.
    The heat of that kiss still lingered on her lips, the sensation of his hands on her body imprinted there for life.
    Two men approached the car. One leisurely strolled toward her window while the other remained at her taillight, almost in her blind spot.
    The one who approached her open window wore an immaculate khaki-colored uniform, his short hair combed and perfectly straight. He wasn’t Loneview police, she realized; he wore a county sheriff’s department badge on his chest and his name tag read
    He stood at her window, leaning slightly to look inside. “Ms. Price? Can you step out of the car for me?”
    Addie tried to hide her agitation as she opened the door and got out. Cool
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