White Oblivion

White Oblivion Read Online Free PDF

Book: White Oblivion Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amirah Bellamy
black man.  Shoot, I’ll probably get paid 3 times as much!  Maybe that won’t be half bad.  So how do I make that happen baby?  Give it to me step by step,” Doran joked.
    “Dad this is serious.  How can you joke at a time like this?  How are we gonna get mom back?” Ina said looking very concerned.
    “He’s just trying to lighten the mood a bit Ina.  This is difficult for all of us, but we’re working on fixing it,” I said assuringly giving her a hug.
    “I’m really worried about you mom.  This is really serious,” Ina said sounding 10 years older than she was.
    We all headed over to the couch to discuss things further.  We had a huge oversized brown couch where I sat between Ina and Doran.  Ina sat still staring at me in shock.  She looked at me like I was a science project gone wrong.  Meanwhile, Doran tried not to stare, but he couldn’t hide it very well because it was written all over his face.  I started to feel like a contagious disease.
    “Baby I can see that we’re making you feel uncomfortable and we really don’t mean to.  It’s just going to take some getting used to seeing you in this body.  We know you’re still you and we still love you,” Doran said apparently sensing my discomfort.
    “I know babe.  It’s just hard seeing my family look at me like I’m an alien,” I said.
    “So let’s discuss this.  We have no idea how or why this happened.  We don’t know how long it will last.  In the meantime we each have to continue living our lives.  So where do we go from here?” Doran asked Ina and I.
    “I guess we continue to live as we always have while we try to make sense of it all and look for a solution,” I said.
    “Yeah dad I guess you’re right, but mom I’m sorry this happened to you.  I wish I could fix it for you,” Ina said.
    “I wish you could too baby.   I know this is difficult for you too.  Imagine how I felt when I first looked in the mirror and how I still feel everytime I look in the mirror and see this face,” I said.
    “So babe I do have one question for you.  Can you still dance?” Doran said laughing.
    “What!?!  No you didn’t!  Of course I can!” I snapped.
    “Ha ha!  I told you she was still black!” Doran roared.
    “Are you sure mom?  Cause if you can’t how are you going to teach your classes where you need rhythm?” Ina asked. 
    “Ina, don’t you start too!  I told ya’ll I’m still black!  Put on some music and I’ll prove it!  Ya’ll are gonna find out!” I said.
    “Alright, let’s find out,” Doran said reaching for his phone to find us some tunes.  He scrolled through his playlist and put on some Nas.
    At first I nodded my head to the beat, then I slowly got up and started to dance.  As soon as I started dancing Doran and Ina roared with laughter.
    “What is so funny!” I asked as I stopped dancing.
    “Sorry mom, but we’re just not used to seeing you dance as a white woman.  You can really dance too,” Ina said trying to placate me.
    “Yeah baby we’re not laughing to make fun of you.  We’re laughing with you.  We’re having fun with you baby,” Doran added.
    “Ok if you say so, but ya’ll gotta stop laughing at me though every time I do something “black” so to speak,” I said.
    I was glad to have them both to go through this with me.  I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have them and their bringing humor to such a traumatic situation was exactly what I needed.  They really did lessen the sting of it all for me.
    “So babe let’s go out,” Doran said.
    “What?” I said looking over at him shocked by his question.
    “Yeah, let’s go out.  You’re gonna have to go out soon enough so we may as well do it now.  You’ve got to get used to this body.  In fact, we all do.  So let’s do it.  Let’s all go out right now,” Doran persisted.
    I sat on the couch pondering his proposition. 
    “Mom, Dad is right.  Let’s go out.  We all have to get
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