Whispers on the Ice

Whispers on the Ice Read Online Free PDF

Book: Whispers on the Ice Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth Moynihan
was watching her expectantly.
    Silently she nodded yes.
    “Good,” He answered, smiling easily, then returned his attention to the reporters before them.
    “How’s she feel?” The question came somewhere from the left of the group of reporters.
    Aleksei bounced her slightly, testing her weight and smiled at the group before them. “Hopefully, her skates will add enough weight to her that I can tell when I’m holding her,” he teased, releasing her legs and gently
    placing her back on her feet.
    “How about you Jordan, any comments about your new partner?”
    Jordan tried to calm her racing heart, tried to ignore the heat that threatened to melt her legs beneath her as she leaned casually against Aleksei. “I can only hope we don’t have to skate in any arenas with low ceilings. I have the feeling I’m going to be seeing some spectacular views of the audience during our lifts and throws.”
    “Better than the boards, though, right?” a reporter asked.
    Jordan looked up at Aleksei, their eyes catching and holding, hers pleading softly for safety and his acknowledging her unspoken question.
    “Jordan’s days of crashing into the boards are over. You all are going to have to find another pair for those pictures,” Aleksei promised, his voice deep and sure.
    Jordan smiled in appreciation and prayed he could keep his promise.
    “If there are no further questions, we have a cake to celebrate the new pairing of Jamison and Rocmanov and we’d be thrilled to have you join us in wishing them well,” Dee offered, moving cautiously around the camera equipment spread around her living room, into the kitchen.
    Everyone expressed their agreement and began gathering up equipment and electrical cords to make moving around the small room safer and easier. In short order, most of the cords were neatly wrapped and piled near the front door.
    “Whittaker, give me a hand would you?” Dee called from the kitchen.
    “I’ve got it,” Jordan offered, rising a bit unsteadily to her feet, still not completely comfortable in the heels.
    Whittaker nodded his thanks and sat on the arm of the couch she just vacated. Whittaker and Aleksei watched as she walked around the couch and into the kitchen.
    “Girl’s got a great set of legs,” Whittaker stated in appreciation.
    “Her ass isn’t bad either,” Aleksei added.
    “Remember, Aleksei, she’s sixteen. We don’t need that kind of trouble.”
    “I said she had a nice ass, I didn’t say I was going to jump it,” Aleksei scowled at his coach, his voice full of disgust.
    “Just so long as we understand each other,” Whittaker re-emphasized.
    “Whittaker, what would I want with a sixteen year old? My leg may be in a cast but that doesn’t mean I have to go begging scraps if I want a woman.”
    “Jordan isn’t ‘scraps’ and at this moment, she doesn’t look sixteen. I just want you to remember this is a business arrangement and it’s in both your interests to keep in that way.”
    “I thought there was intimacy involved in pair skating?”
    “There is, but it’s more a blending of skating styles, personality compatibility, and the physical capability to skate together. Occasionally you get lucky, and reach a point where you’re hearts, souls and minds meet and then you’re unstoppable! It doesn’t mean your goal should be necessarily getting into each other’s knickers, not that it doesn’t happen with a lot of skaters. But in this case, that particular thought better not even cross your mind. That’s one scenario I don’t even want to contemplate, if you get my drift? You’ve got a lot to learn, and a short time to learn it, son. I’d suggest you do your thinking with your brain!”
    “And I suppose Jordan’s going to do the teaching,” Aleksei scoffed, remembering both sides of Jordan, the kid in the baggy sweats and the vixen in black. For some reason, he felt safer with the kid in sweats.
    “Jordan’s been a pair all her competitive
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