whiskey witches 01 - whisky witches

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Book: whiskey witches 01 - whisky witches Read Online Free PDF
Author: s m blooding
Tags: Whiskey Witches Season One: Episodes 1-4
quick research into your situation. Paige isn’t called out of her jurisdiction lightly, Brian. When she’s requested, something big is going down. We both decided Paige could use some backup.”
    A slight frown furrowed Brian’s forehead. “What happened yesterday?”
    “More truth?”
    “I’d prefer it.”
    He’d handled the hunter bit rather smoothly. Perhaps he could actually handle this. “I think she was attacked by a demon.”
    “Why do you suspect that?”
    However, no matter how well the other man handled things, there were aspects to a paranormal existence that just didn’t lend well to a civilian life. “There are some jars that, once opened, can’t be re-sealed. Are you sure you want to know?”
    Brian lifted his chin, his gaze falling to his desk. “My mom had the sight. It wasn’t much, but she could see things sometimes, things we couldn’t explain to the rest of the world. I’m not saying I completely buy into demons and whatever else might be out there, but I do know one thing. I’ve got a killer in my town who’s bringing the devil with him. I don’t have the leisure to fear what doesn’t make sense.”
    Dexx leaned back in his chair. “That, sir, earned you a lot of respect, right there.”
    The chief lifted one beefy shoulder, sunlight from the high window blaring brightly on his white button-up shirt.
    “Okay, well, I’ll read you in.”
    Brian raised an eyebrow.
    Dexx grinned, then grew somber. “Sorry. We have a bad situation. Paige is a demon summoner.”
    “She’s what?”
    Brian ran his hand along his bald head slowly.
    “It gets worse. Alma—the matriarch of the Whiskey Witches, if you will—put a shield around her abilities. She had her reasons. They were valid at the time. However, having her here is a risk. Whatever this killer is doing allowed a demon to slip through Alma’s defenses.”
    “I don’t completely follow.”
    Dexx placed his elbows on his knees. “Your killer might not be summoning a demon like you thought.”
    “How’d you—”
    “Trust me. I have my ways. Your murderer might have been luring Paige here to use her to summon for him.”
    Brian sat back in his chair, his fingers steepled in front of him.
    “I know you need help with your investigation, but you’ve got to send Paige away. For her safety. For yours. For your town.”
    “What if it’s too late?”
    “Let’s hope it’s not.”

I N THE DRIFTING darkness, Paige could make out the vague outlines of houses and trees. She knew this street. Her head hurt too much to concentrate, though. The setting morphed. Walls grew up around her from the fog.
    “Paige. What took you so long?”
    Paige spun in a slow circle. She was dreaming, right?
    A tall, well-dressed man with black hair and eyes walked toward her with a warm, welcoming smile. He almost looked relieved as he clasped her hand in both of his. She found herself smiling at him before he even opened his mouth. There was just something . . . very comforting about him, like a favorite sweatshirt that you found buried in the back of the closet.
    “You didn’t have to make an appointment to come see me. You know that.”
    “I’m sorry. Do I know you?”
    He turned from her and walked into an office. “They’ve been gathering. I was hoping to see you much sooner than this. What was so pressing in Denver? I haven’t heard of anything rising there. This should have been your first priority. Someone is obviously trying to get your attention.”
    Her eyes narrowed. “My attention?”
    “Did you miss the connection to the Pilmner case? This killer’s using the same symbols, but we know it’s not the same guy. He’s in prison serving several life sentences.”
    “Pilmner? What?”
    “Paige. You’re better than this.”
    “What are you talking about?”
    “We need to figure out who knows about you and—” He interrupted himself and raised his chin. Disappointment filtered across his face. “You don’t know who
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