Where the Wind Blows

Where the Wind Blows Read Online Free PDF

Book: Where the Wind Blows Read Online Free PDF
Author: Caroline Fyffe
young’uns to fall asleep. The heat radiating from her face was almost unbearable. She reflexively smoothed the front of her apron and hurried to the sink.
    The interplay went unnoticed by the travelers. Wearied by their trip, Mr. Hobbs and Gabe lay on their bedrolls by the fire next to Sarah’s bed. Their eyes were closed, but Jessie knew it was too soon for them to be fully asleep.
    When she went to fetch the broom, Chase caught her hand and placed it on his shoulder. “I’ve had a catch in my shoulder all day, darlin’. Would you mind rubbin’ it?”
    Jessie jumped back as if scalded.
    Chase chuckled. “Don’t go gettin’ riled. The way I see it, a man has a right to ask his wife for a little back rub now and then.”
    Jessie’s pulse thrummed through her veins. Chase had her over a barrel, and she knew it. What scared her was that he knew it, too. Biting her lower lip, she stepped behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders.
    “That’s my girl.”
    He blew out a long breath and she felt him relax. With determination, Jessie leaned into her hands, squeezing his shoulders with all her might.
    Chase lunged out of his chair. “Why, you—! I ought to turn you over my knee right now!” His voice rumbled ominously as he rubbed the offended spot.
    “Wh-what’s the matter?” Mr. Hobbs sat up, trying to focus his eyes.
    “Nothing. Nothing. I was just trying to rub a kink out of…of…his neck.” She smiled sweetly. “You can go on back to sleep.”
    She glared at Chase. He glared at her. Neither of them wanted the other to get the upper hand. Then Jessie remembered the saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar. Smiling sweetly, she nodded toward the chair. Chase sat back down, slowly, and she massaged his large shoulders in earnest. Her heart firmly lodged in her throat.
    “Thank you, Jessie.” He drawled out her name. “That feels real nice.”
    She heard the lazy way he used her name. The tenderness he’d shown her yesterday when he’d first consoled her about Nathan’s death was gone.
    Jessie turned, her gaze resting for a moment on her bedroom door. My word, what was she going to do now? He plainly meant to sleep with her and act the part of her husband. And there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop him, unless she revealed the truth. But that would mean losing Sarah.
    Moments passed like steps on a hangman’s scaffold, each bringing her closer to disaster. “Would you care for anything else?” she asked, her voice soft and solicitous.
    Chase’s eyes narrowed as he gave her a long look. Finally, he held up his cup.
    Jessie took it to the stove, refilled it, and handed it back to him. “There you are. Take your time. I’ll just be getting ready for bed.”
    The voice was sweet. Too sweet. Chase took a sip of the lukewarm brew, contemplating this puzzling switch. All of a sudden she seemed almost eager to turn in for the night. Maybe she wasn’t missing her dead husband as much as he’d thought. He took another sip.
    Wasn’t he the one who was supposed to be making her nervous? Not the other way around. Actually, he had no intention of bedding Nathan’s widow. He’d…been teasing, to teach her a lesson.
    He drained his cup and clumsily plopped it back in its saucer with a clink. Slowly his eyelids drifted down to halfmast. The cold weather must’ve taken more out of him than he’d realized. Resting his head in the palm of his hands, he closed his eyes.
    Just for a moment. I’m so exhausted.
    From the bedroom, Jessie peeked out the door. He was still sitting at the table, but his head was propped in his hands—a good sign.
    With luck, Mr. Hobbs would be on his way home in the morning. Right now, though she had to figure out a way to get Mr. Logan into the bedroom.
    Jessie fretted at how small the bed looked. It was definitely too small for his large frame, but she’d just have to manage somehow.
    Tiptoeing, she blew out the lanterns, leaving only the one
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