Where Shadows Dance

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Book: Where Shadows Dance Read Online Free PDF
Author: C.S. Harris
the economic stresses driving women into prostitution to an ambitious study of possible ways of improving the survival rates of infants left on the parish—alternately puzzled, infuriated, and bemused her father. Sebastian said, “I would not have expected otherwise, Miss Jarvis. After all, I intend to continue with my own involvement in murder investigations.”
    She regarded him with interest. “Are you involved in an investigation now?”
    “No one’s been murdered, have they?”
    “Not to my knowledge.”
    A great cracking noise cut across the circle. The craggy-faced, dark-haired man started forward with a shout. The wheels of the engine froze with a sliding screech.
    Sebastian craned around. “What the hell?”
    “I believe the track has broken,” said Miss Jarvis calmly as the carriage lurched sideways. The bench pitched wildly to the right, and she flung out a hand to maintain her precarious perch. “I heard Mr. Trevithick expressing some concern that the engine might be too heavy for the rails.”
    A great gasp went up from the crowd of spectators as the steam engine and its carriage came to a shuddering, lopsided halt.
    Sebastian said, “Are you all right?”
    She used the back of her wrist to push her hat out of her eyes. “Quite all right, thank you. But I fear for the success of Mr. Trevithick’s New Steam Circus.”
    “Keep a smile on your face,” said Sebastian, sliding off the seat. Boots firmly on the ground, he reached up to help her alight.
    She came down beside him in an unruffled swirl of petticoats and artfully balanced parasol. “Oh, that was such fun,” she exclaimed loudly for the benefit of the excited, jabbering crowd.
    He leaned forward to whisper, “One of the staves of your parasol has snapped.”
    “Oh.” She quickly closed it. “Thank you.”
    “My dear Miss Jarvis!” exclaimed the craggy-faced man, descending on them. “Please accept my heartfelt—”
    “No, no, Mr. Trevithick, let me thank you ,ʺ she said, cutting him off. “What a wonderful experience! And do let me know when the tracks are repaired so that I may have another ride around your amazing circus.”
    “You can’t be serious,” whispered Sebastian as they pushed their way through the crowds rushing forward to gawk at the steaming, hissing engine.
    “But I am.” She drew up just inside the palisade’s gate, her gaze scanning the crowd for her abigail. “Where is that woman of mine?”
    Sebastian spied the harried, pale-faced maid threading her way toward them. He said, “I’ll let you know the details once I’ve spoken to the Archbishop.”
    Miss Jarvis nodded, her gaze on the abigail.
    He found himself studying the woman beside him. She had a streak of soot across her cheek; a lock of soft brown hair had escaped from beneath her hat. The combination made her look both less formidable and considerably more likeable.
    “You won’t regret this,” he said suddenly.
    She brought up a hand to shove the stray lock of hair back up under her hat with a brisk motion. “It was always my intention to never marry. To be forced to do so, now, seems somehow a defeat.”
    He reached out to wipe the smudge of soot from her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Yet you also told me that your one regret was that you would never have children.”
    An uncharacteristic rush of color tinged her cheeks, and she tightened her grip on her parasol. “Yes, well ... We have already remedied that, have we not?”
    “Oh, Miss ,” exclaimed the abigail, rushing up to them. “What a frightful thing! You could have been killed!”
    Miss Jarvis turned toward her maid. “Nonsense, Marie. I am quite all right.” She nodded to Sebastian with what struck him as a regal inclination of her head. “My Lord Devlin.”
    He tipped his hat. “Miss Jarvis.”
    He stood at the gate, his gaze following her across the square. He was still watching her when Tom drew up the curricle beside him.
    “What did you discover?” Sebastian
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