What We Learned Along the Way
him? It’s been
about 5 years,” Kalimah said in disbelief. Malikah didn’t respond.
“So, let’s go talk to him,” Kalimah said, reading her sister’s
silence. She grabbed Malikah’s hand and pulled her toward
    “No, no, no!” Malikah yanked her hand away.
“I’m not going over there so I can make a fool of myself.”
    “Come on. It won’t be that bad. I’ll go with
you. I’ll talk first. You come in when you feel comfortable, okay?”
Malikah didn’t respond, but she didn’t fight when her sister
grabbed her hand again, either. “Muhammad, is that you?” Kalimah
said as they got closer.
    He looked surprised to hear someone yelling
his name, but when he recognized their faces, he smiled warmly.
    “Kalimah and Malikah, how are you guys? It’s
so nice to see you.”
    “You too. What are you doing in the mall? I
thought guys didn’t like shopping,” Kalimah said.
    “Oh, we don’t,” he reassured her. “I’m just
picking up some new basketball shoes.”
    “Oh my god, is that entire rack half off?”
Kalimah asked herself aloud. “Excuse me, guys. I think I see a
dress with my name on it.” She winked at Malikah before she walked
over toward one of the racks they had already looked at. Malikah
knew what her sister was doing, and she didn’t like it. With
Kalimah gone, she and Muhammad were left alone. She couldn’t sink
into the background anymore. She had to say something.
    “Basketball shoes, huh? I remember you being
really good.”
    “I’m alright. It keeps me active. It’s either
that or hit the gym, and I’m not really into weights.”
    You could have fooled me with that body, she
thought. But all she said was, “That’s cool.” She was really
nervous. She couldn’t wait until Kalimah came back. Before she
could think of something else to say, a tall, modelesque woman in a
beautiful sparkly hijab walked up and put her arm around
    “You find your shoes, honey?” the mystery
woman asked.
    “Not yet, but I see you found a few things,”
he said, looking at the overflowing bags she was carrying.
    “I couldn’t help it, baby. They had a big
sale and everything looked so cute on me.” She spoke in an
annoying, whiny voice. Malikah thought she sounded like a little
kid pleading with her father.
    “Oh, I’m sorry, Malikah. This is Ameerah, my
wife.” His last words echoed in her mind like he had spoken them in
an empty, carpetless room. Malikah felt her heart drop to the
floor. His wife? Why hadn’t anyone told her he was married? She
tried to hide her shock and greeted his wife like she were actually
happy to meet her. Then she slid her hand in her pocket and
secretly made her cell phone ring.
    She jumped, as if the ring scared her.
    “That must be Kalimah. She probably needs my
opinion on something. You know how she is, so indecisive. Well,
gotta go.” She walked away as fast as she could, fighting the urge
to run.
    “Why are you out of breath?” Kalimah asked
from behind a pile of clothes she had collected in the short period
of time. “And why do you look like that? What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing. Let’s go,” Malikah said
    “Okay, let me just try these pants on and
then I can…” Malikah didn’t even let her sister finish.
    “Now!” she said firmly as she walked toward
the exit. Kalimah put all her clothes down and followed her sister.
Neither of them said anything the entire ride home. Kalimah wanted
to talk to Malikah, but the look on her face warned her not to.
Once they got back to the house, she followed Malikah up to her
room. They sat in silence until Kalimah couldn’t take it anymore.
It only took about a minute.
    “So are you going to tell me what happened?”
Kalimah blurted out.
    Malikah didn’t answer for a few seconds.
“He’s married,” she finally said.
    “Married? Muhammad? When? To who?” Kalimah
looked just as surprised as Malikah was.
    “I don’t know. Some spoiled, skinny
    Kalimah could see how
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