What This Wolf Wants

What This Wolf Wants Read Online Free PDF

Book: What This Wolf Wants Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Dellerman
    “They do test your patience. I’ve been practically begging Dean to lighten his work load for weeks. His priority lies as pack alpha and I understand and support that fully. But I did tell him he couldn’t run for a second term as town mayor this fall. His plate is already full with the lumber-yard and bar. We barely have any alone time together and as a newly mated couple, it’s really frustrating.” Jackie bit her lip at what Kaylie was hinting at. Newly mated pairs had a hard time keeping their hands off each other and any excessive separation made for one highly charged and sexually frustrated couple.
    “He’s so concerned about the pack, the town, and well, everything, Jackie. He thinks it’s his responsibility to keep everyone happy, healthy, and employed and he feels like he’s failing.” Jackie shook her head. “Whatever for? It’s not his fault the economy tanked.”
    “I know and you know, but Dean just can’t accept it. Phil Davis put in his resignation,” Kaylie surprised Jackie with that bit of news, referring to one of Woodcliff’s deputies and one of the juvenile tutors of the pack. “He wants to roam, and he has every right to do so, but it’s going to leave a hole in the police department and an even bigger one in the pack.
    Dean’s also being petitioned by shifters who want to join the pack, but he doesn’t know where the jobs will come from to keep the newcomers here.
    In the last five months, four human families and six single shifters have moved away in hopes of obtaining jobs in larger cities.” While the six singles weren’t that much of a concern since looking for a job was often an euphemism for looking for a mate, the loss of whole families was disturbing. “I thought things were going better at the lumber-yard once Dean branched out into specialized furniture.” Kaylie shrugged. “It has, yes, but it’s not enough to keep everyone in town employed. So now he’s trying to figure out a way to increase tourism, hoping that might cover any economical gaps.” Which was smart since tourism was as vital to the town’s survival as was the lumber company.
    Jackie smoothed a hand over the cotton pillowcase. “You know we see a lot of tourists in the clinic.” At Kaylie’s nod, Jackie continued.
    “Well. We also hear a lot of compliments and complaints. One of the most repeated complaints I’ve heard is the desire for some fairly large cottages for rent. Right now we just have the hotel, and as rustic and nice as it is, it can’t accommodate a family or group of people who want to vacation together in relative privacy.”
    It was Kaylie’s turn to frown. “There are several homes available for rent around town whenever the owners aren’t using them.”
    “True, but I know I’m not comfortable doing that sort of thing.
    Our family did it once when we took a trip to Mexico. My parents kept telling us kids not to touch anything, not to put our feet on the furniture and so on because it was someone’s home . I felt like I was trespassing and had just about zero fun. I couldn’t wait to get home.” Kaylie was silent so long that Jackie began to wish she hadn’t said a word. Finally Kaylie said, “That’s actually a great idea. Maybe we could do two things. Set up a few rental cabins totally secluded from one another, but yet in the same general area, and then put up three or four in closer capacity. That way multiple families that want to vacation together yet still keep their privacy can do so.”
    “Oh. That’s perfect!”
    Kaylie flashed a wide grin. “Of course it is. We women thought it up! I’ll talk with Dean about it. See what he thinks. And if he’s not keen on the idea, I’ll just push until he is.” Her eyes sparkled with delight. “I can be as dominating as he can, though it’s more fun to be sneaky.” The women high-fived each other, though it was more on the low down as they were laying on their sides in the bed. Just as Kaylie pulled her
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