What the Sleigh?
her arms. Nick’s expression set, a key tell he was fighting back anger. So far, he was playing nice, even if she had noticed he’d seated himself as far away from Darrick as he could. To avoid temptation? Or because he knew she’d wade in if he started trouble with the pixie? Could be either, or…but it displayed a level of maturity she didn’t recall him possessing five years ago.
    “The two other Claus elves at the agency, Rhod and Cole, are main bloodline Claus’s, but it’s a large and well-established family tree. Nick, however, is not just a main bloodline Claus but the actual grandson of the original Saint Nicholas.”
    An awed murmur rolled around the room and even Darrick looked impressed. But he still didn’t let it drop. “So, he’s like Santa royalty. So what? Can he do what we need him to do?”
    With a sigh, Nick stood up and for a moment she thought he was going to leave. Instead, he pushed his chair back and cleared himself a little space. Pure show-boating as he put his hands on his hips.
    A small grin curved his lips. “Santa royalty, I like that. I’ll have to remember to tell grandfather, he’ll get a kick out of it. And yes, I can deliver the goods. Most of my cousins require a little help when it comes to Christmas. When they hit maturity, each of them are given a magical box with a belt in it. Each year, during The Call, the box appears to them and when they put the belt on, they become Santa.”
    A breeze started to pick up around him, even though they were indoors and the windows were shut. It plucked at his clothing and ruffled his dark hair. Pressure built up until, finally, there was a pop.
    Everyone in the room gasped. Nick had disappeared and in his place was…Santa.
    “Whoa, that’s…” Darrick trailed off, utter shock on his face.
    “I was born of Christmas Magic, in the heart of the North Pole,” Santa said with Nick’s voice. “Because I am a direct descendant, I don’t need The Call or a belt or anything to become Santa. One day I will be the Santa, as will my firstborn son after me. Isn’t that right, Rudi?”
    He looked directly at her and she had to suppress the shiver which wanted to roll down her spine. The magic of Christmas wove its magic around her, pulling at her soul and her heart-strings, reminding her of all she’d lost. All she’d never have again. Home, comfort, joy…the companionship of her family and the love of her deer.
    The love she and Nick had shared.
    “He will. And now that we’re all done stroking his ego, each of you has a file.” She nodded to the desks in front of them. “Familiarize yourself with the layout of the mall and the grotto setup. We’ll have a short window to do a walk-through tomorrow before the grotto opens, but then we’re live. Since I handpicked you, I expect nothing more than total professionalism from all of you.”
    She picked her files, diary, and cell up, tucking them into the corner of her arm. “I’ll be in the office for the rest of the afternoon going over the armed response side of things with Darrick, so if you have any questions, you all know where to find me. Dismissed.”
    None of them moved, small smiles tugging at the corners of their lips. She sighed mentally and gave in, grinning. “That means get the hell out. Now, scram!”
    She was an idiot.
    Rudi sighed as she padded through to her kitchen hours after leaving the office. She shouldn’t have let Nick change. Not even to shut down Darrick’s little rebellion. Which she totally should have seen coming. Pixies were highly possessive and territorial. Even though she and Darrick were just friends and would never be anything more, he was protective as all hell over her. Well, as much as she’d let him be anyway. Add in his dislike of Claus elves after losing out to one in the love stakes, and it was a shit storm just waiting to happen.
    She should have anticipated it, and handled it a different way.
    She tipped her head back
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