What if I Fly?

What if I Fly? Read Online Free PDF

Book: What if I Fly? Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jayne Conway
them than their own happiness. Claire’s fixated on remaining a size two and puts a tremendous amount of pressure on herself to throw picture perfect parties. Charles, always trying to impress people with his boats and club memberships. And the boys! God, she feels for them.
    Every year she receives a Christmas card of the three boys dressed identically, carbon copies of one another, though Julia knows how unique they really are. Carlton, the shy artist, Spencer, the outgoing athlete, and little Edmond who dreams of being a ballerina and loves the color pink. Claire has said more than once they’re hoping it’s just a phase, “Edmond’s only six after all!”
    On those occasions, Julia’s had to restrain herself from yelling at Claire. Being different is something to be celebrated, not discouraged! But not here, not in this world. With dismay, Julia recognizes that one day, her sweet boys will all turn into some version of the men sitting around this table.
    The surf and turf is finally served and Julia’s thankful to have something to do. She has nothing to contribute to the conversations swirling around her and would love to knock back a few shots of vodka, but she needs to keep her wits about her tonight for several reasons.
    One, she doesn’t want to get cornered by one of these drunken idiots who may think he can have his way with her. Two, she needs to stay mentally sharp to verbally protect herself from these hostile women. And three, someone has to drive them home tonight and it’s not going to be Will.
    She limits herself to two drinks, enough to take the edge off, but not enough to loosen her tongue. That could get ugly…quickly. Will, on the other hand, is on his sixth? Seventh? She’s lost count. This is a side of him she’s never seen, never imagined existed.
    It dawns on her, this is the first time she’s met any of Will’s friends in almost a year. She’s never thought about that before but it seems odd to her now.
    Why do we always hang out alone?
    Maybe Will instinctively knew she wouldn’t fit in? If that’s the case, he was absolutely right. And more importantly, she doesn’t want to fit in with these automatons. Watching him interact with his friends tonight, she wonders if she’s completely misjudged him. Is this the kind of life he wants?
    The bride and groom dance to Etta James’ At Last to the applause of three hundred people, while the wait staff circulates, removing the dinner plates. Julia smiles to herself at the song selection. Apparently some things remain the same across social lines, dancing to At Last at weddings is one of those things.
    Will absently runs his hand along her spine, still deep in mind-numbing conversation. He and his buddies have moved on from sailing to skiing, from the Vineyard to Aspen.
    I’m so naïve , she thinks, her stomach turning over. This is Will’s world. This! Right here! Not the world they’ve created over the past ten months. Here, among his peers, she sees who he really is for the first time.
    She’s not completely oblivious. She knows they’re from different tribes, but it never seemed to matter. Julia’s spent a lot of time with his family and gets along with his sister and parents really well, and Will seemed to adapt to her world without a problem.
    But there’s no getting around it now, their differences are glaringly obvious tonight, a giant wall between them.
    A wave of nausea washes over her and Julia desperately needs to get out of this room, away from this scene and these people. She rises unsteadily to her feet, gripping the back of her chair. The room has started to spin, and if she doesn’t get out of here now she’s going to be sick. She taps Will’s shoulder and excuses herself, searching for the ladies room.
    In the safety of the bathroom, she sits in a stall, tears clouding her vision. This isn’t how she imagined this evening at all. Tonight was supposed to be the night …  She thought they’d dance, she’d
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