to you. It’s her legacy and it’s right that you should have it.”
Nodding, understanding the enormity of the cheque in front of him, he
picked it up and studied it. “Dad. I know you said you would buy me a car but
would it be ok if I u sed this to buy it myself? It’ll
sort of be like a birthday present from mum if I use this.”
“I think that’s a good idea.”
“Good. In that case. I know what I want , though I doubt you’ll approve.”
Smiling at his sons’ choice of words, he gestured to the com puter screen. “Show me.”
It took Gavin a few minutes but he soon found the car he wanted. “Toyota
Supra. Three litre turbo. This is my dream car. With this money I can get a
wrecker and have it rebuilt from the chassis up to my specification. I don’t
ever intend to sell it. This is my car.”
Looking at the heap on the screen, Paul was dubious but it was Gavin’s
money. “I hear what you are saying but I don’t think that’s a suitable first
car. That’s a lot of power and rear wheel drive.”
“I’ll handle it dad.”
“I’ll make you a deal. I will let you have this car providing you take
lessons on how to handle it properly. I’ll arrange and pay for them and if the
instructor says that he feels you can’t cope with the power, you choose a
different car.”
“Ok. Deal.” Gavi n grinned. “Can we go and look
at this anyway?”
Gavin proved himself worthy. His instructor was mightily impressed and
Paul signed off on his car. He’d given Gavin the number of the man he trusted
to detail and beautify his cars and Gavin was in constant c ontact.
The day he turned eighteen rolled around. He woke thinking he should feel
different. He could now legally vote and drink although he’d been doing the
latter for some time already. Usually his mother would rush into his room on
his birthday and boun ce on the bed, waking him with
presents. He missed that now more than ever and wondered how he’d ever found it
annoying. He was just about dressed when Paul knocked on his door, asking him
to come downstairs.
That simple request filled him with dread as it usually meant he’d done something wrong. Today was different. Today he knew it
was because it was his birthday and he was curious to see if Paul and Suzanne
knew him well enough to buy him a present he’d like. He had hoped to have his
car by now but he’d run out of money. His
modifications costing far more than he’d planned and the project had stalled.
There was a large birthday cake sitting on the table, candles burning
brightly. Suzanne had made it yesterday and although she’d hidden the cake, she
hadn’t been able to hide the mouth-watering aroma
wafting from the kitchen. He smiled and ble w out the candles, thanking her . She handed him
a smallish wrapped gift. Opening it revealed a pair of mirrored Ray Ban Aviator
sunglasses which she explained she thought would look good when he finally got
his car.
She was almost vibrating with excitement and he couldn’t work out why but he thanked her and asked where his father was hiding.
His curiosity peaked when she told him to go out to the front garden to find
him. Opening the front door. Gavin came to an abrupt halt. That was his car.
Paul beckoned him forward as he handed a cli p
board back to the driver of the transporter. “You came out quicker than I
expected. I have a bow and everything to put on it yet. You could pretend you
haven’t seen it I suppose.” He grinned.
“It’s kinda hard to miss.” Gavin replied, he was sure the stup idest grin from here until the end of time was plastered
across his face. “But how? I don’t understand. I ran out of money.”
“I know. I couldn’t stand by and watch you pine and with what you earn at
the leisure centre, it will have rotted to nothing before you had the time to save enough money to get it on the
road. I put in the rest of the money, taxed and insured it. My gift to you.
Happy birthday son.” Paul held out the keys
Delilah Devlin, Elle James
S. N. Garza, Stephanie Nicole Garza