Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5

Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samantha A. Cole
team knew exactly what needed to be done, Ian didn’t bother waiting for an answer before turning back to Murdock. “You going to have someone watching the house for now, or do I have to leave some of my men here?”
    The detective shook his head. “Don’t worry. Until the crime scene is released, there will be uniforms stationed here. I’ll notify you when it’s released, though.”
    “Good. Mind if I go with you to talk to Dr. Dunbar? We have a good rapport with her.”
    “That’s fine. I don’t look any gift horses in the mouth.”
    Still watching the pink bundle as Karen Williams carried the child down the driveway, Marco barely heard the conversations around him. Holy fuck. Was he really a father? And if he was, what the fuck was he going to do now?
    * * *
    At two-thirty in the morning, Kristen Sawyer was relieved to hear the front door open, announcing Devon’s return to their apartment. He’d been gone for hours, but had texted her earlier to let her know things were okay and he’d fill her in when he got home. Before he left with the others, he’d instructed her to return to their place. He didn’t like her being at the club without him, which was fine with her—she tended to feel like a vital part of her was missing when he wasn’t there. Ian and Boomer had given Angie and Kat the same marching orders, for the same reason. The two women had joined her for a glass of wine and the second half of a Lifetime movie before heading to their own homes. Kat and Boomer lived about seven minutes away, while Angie only had to walk downstairs to the apartment she and Ian shared.
    She felt bad Devon’s birthday night at the club had been interrupted, but the teammates always looked out for their own. They weren’t just friends and co-workers. They were family—a family she adored.
    The bedroom door opened and she grinned. It’d taken her a while to get used to her husband’s stealth, lack-of-even-the-slightest-noise footsteps. She swore he walked on feathers as he’d unintentionally, and sometimes intentionally, scared the living, fucking shit out of her on numerous occasions. She pulled the sheets on his side of the bed down for him as he tossed his keys and wallet on the room’s high-boy dresser.
    “You look beat. Is Harper okay? What happened?” She’d met the woman several times before Marco’s sister passed away, and then again at the wakes and funeral. Kristen thought she’d been friendly, and had often wondered if Marco and Harper had ever hooked up. They would make a handsome couple, but she hadn’t seen Nina DeAngelis’ best friend since the funeral.
    Devon toed off his black leather biker boots and sighed. “From what the police have so far, it was a home invasion. They think the guy was already inside when Harper arrived home and she interrupted a burglary. She got clocked on the head and knocked out. They did a CT scan and there’s no fracture or major damage, just a bad concussion. The doctors put her on some meds to help with some minor swelling on her brain, which is causing the unconsciousness, and they expect it to be short term. Marco and Brody are staying at the hospital until she wakes up.” After pulling his T-shirt over his head, he undid the laces of his club leathers and peeled them off. God, how she loved watching him do that. The man was built and hung to perfection, in her opinion. And hers was the only one that mattered. “Eyes up, Pet, unless you want to hear the rest of the story after I ravish you.”
    The twinkle in his eye and lengthening of his cock said he was dead serious. “Just answer two more questions, my love, and then you can ravish me all you want.” He raised an eyebrow and began to stroke his now almost fully erect penis. Her mouth watered as she tried to remember what else she’d wanted to ask him. “ Um ...oh...the he or she okay? Is it really Marco’s?”
    “The little girl, Mara, is fine. She was with Harper’s mother the whole
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