Warrior Untamed
had known Fenrir would send men to recover his treasures, but he’d hoped to be ahead of them, not behind, in that search.
    Turning back toward the stable, he filled his lungs once more with clean, fresh air and found himself scratching his own beard. Watching the filthy oldman inside had made him feel as if bugs crawled on his skin, and he longed for the warm Viking bathhouse waiting for him at his home.
    But such pleasures of the flesh would have to continue to wait. He had more important worries.
    Before he reached the entrance, Patrick emerged, wiping a hand over his face, frustration evident in his expression.
    “That one’s either the greatest of fools or the cleverest of men I’ve yet to meet,” Patrick growled, heading for his horse. “But whichever he is, he’s by far the most foul-smelling of them all. I feel as though I’ve a layer of filth blanketing the whole of me and, worse still, absolutely nothing to show for it but a lighter purse and a passing knowledge of some fine, fine horse.”
    “Be of good cheer, my friend. We’ve plenty to show,” Hall corrected. “While you visited with our filthy friend in there, I had myself a profitable chat with the stableboy, who confirmed that our young minstrel heads for Dunvegan.”
    “Then what are we waiting for?” Patrick grabbed the pommel of his saddle and fit his foot into his stirrup. “Skye it is.”
    “No.” Hall stopped the other man with a hand to his reins. “Not for you, my friend. There’s more. According to the boy, Torquil’s men have a day’s lead on us. With at least six of them on Mathew’s trail, it will take more than the two of us, should we arrive too late.”
    Patrick hoisted himself into his saddle, nodding slowly. “You’ll continue on, I suppose. While I return to Castle MacGahan for more men.”
    “That is the way I see it playing out best.”
    Hall hated dragging more men into this battle, but the one thing they simply could not afford was to allow the Elven Scrolls of Niflheim and the Sword of the Ancients to fall into Fenrir’s possession.

S ix
    M EN WERE, WITHOUT any question, the most annoyingly arrogant creatures walking the land. And the most predictable.
    “I’ve no changed my mind, little sister. My answer is still a resounding no . Yer to stay here, where you’ll be safe.”
    Jamesy hadn’t even waited for Brie to speak when she entered the stable. He’d jumped to his own conclusions and cut her off before she’d opened her mouth.
    It was exactly as she’d expected he’d behave as he and the others prepared to ride out with Patrick in his quest to catch up with Halldor O’Donar.
    “Yer making a mistake. You need me with you.” Though she was wasting her breath, she had no choice but to argue. Anything else would risk raising her brother’s suspicions. He knew her too well.
    “I said no,” Jamesy insisted, softening his words with a hand to her shoulder. “What I need is for you to stay here and keep watch over Eleyne in case hercousin comes looking for her, as you claim he will. This is where you can be the most help to me.”
    He gave her his best smile, as if that settled everything. As if she would believe his nonsense about this being the best place for her. Here, left behind, while he ran off to stand with Halldor against the Beast’s men.
    Had he honestly thought she hadn’t seen when Patrick had ridden into the bailey, his horse frothing with the effort of their hard ride? Had he thought she hadn’t heard the impassioned arguments spilling out of their laird’s solar just because she’d not been allowed to attend their meeting?
    That exclusion in and of itself still rankled.
    She set her lips in a tight grimace and met his gaze.
    “I am no the least bit happy about this,” she grumbled, drawing her traveling cloak close around her to ward off the chill of the morning. “I’ve every right to go with you.”
    “I ken you think that to be truth, little sister. But believe me, my way
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