looked down at it and tucked it out of sight at once, but Nurse Mason asked if she could have a look. Slowly Molly held out her hand and Nurse Mason took it in hers and turned it over. It was very inflamed and sore-looking. As Nurse Mason was inspecting it, I noticed her hands too. I was startled. They look as soft and white as Sister’s, yet Nurse Mason spends just as much time cleaning as Molly and me.
“You need to get that treated,” she said at last, putting Molly’s hand down gently. Then she had a look at Molly’s other hand. It, too, was all red and cracked. I clasped my own roughened hands behind my back, feeling rather ashamed of them.
“Make sure you put plenty of cream on that hand,” she told Molly firmly. “Germs can get into the cracks. You don’t want it to get infected, do you?”
Molly looked awfully sheepish, but before she could say anything Sister’s voice cut in.
“Nurse Smythe, Nurse Mason, I’d like a word with you.” We all jumped – even Nurse Mason! I wish Sister wouldn’t creep up on us like that.
Poor Molly! When Sister Rook saw her hands she gave her such a wigging. Afterwards she shooed her into the treatment room and then she beckoned Nurse Mason over. I thought she was going to get a telling off too – for talking – but Sister Rook was smiling now. I wondered what Sister was saying to her.
Later this morning I found out. Nurse Mason walked up to a patient, a thermometer in her hand. She popped it into his mouth. I thought I’d drop through the floor! Then she put a finger on her patient’s pulse to check that that was normal too and looked carefully at him to check his breathing.
Nurse Mason was doing the TPRs! I looked at her face. I thought she’d be thrilled, but she looked just the same as she always does.
As for me, I was still in shock. But I’m not surprised that she’s won Sister’s trust. Nurse Mason is a jolly good VAD.
She’s not popular amongst the VADs though. This evening when we left Ward B I heard some VADs giggling about her in the corridor.
“Nurse Mason’s nickname’s Titch,” one of them said.
“Maybe that will bring her down to size,” another voice said, giggling.
“Oh, don’t be so unkind. She’s not that bad,” I heard someone burst out suddenly. Me! They looked round, surprised.
“It’s Nurse Mason’s roommate,” I heard one of them whisper as I stalked off.
It’s true, I don’t dislike Nurse Mason, I just feel I don’t know her any better than when we came. She’s very reserved. Whenever I try to talk to her all I get is “yes” or “no”.
Later I asked Bunty if she’s got a nickname yet. She went pink, but she won’t say.
Sunday 1 October
My first whole day’s leave – I spent it at home! I caught the train and Mother met me at the other end. Fell off the train into her arms. I gave her a huge hug – I was so pleased to see her. She held me away from her for a moment.
“Darling, you’re so thin!” she said, sounding horrified. I told her I was fine but I ate every morsel at lunch. Seconds too. Roast beef and Yorkshire pud, trifle to follow. Delish! We’re not badly fed at the hospital but the food’s very dull and I’m always hungry.
The house seemed awfully quiet without Father and Peter. Peter’s still training with his unit. And Father?
“He couldn’t get any time off,” said Mother sadly. She said he’s not allowed to tell her anything about his work for the government – it’s top secret. Poor Mother. I think she gets pretty lonely, and now Cook’s been talking about joining up. So Mother’s wondering whether she should join up too.
We listened to Mr Churchill, one of the government ministers, on the wireless. The news is awful. Poland’s finally fallen to the enemy.
We British just stood by and watched while our ally, Poland, was invaded. Now the country’s being divided up between Germany and Soviet Russia. I think we should be ashamed that we allowed it to