Wanting Reed (Break Me) BOOK 2

Wanting Reed (Break Me) BOOK 2 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Wanting Reed (Break Me) BOOK 2 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Antoinette Candela
Tags: new adult
open the file cabinet. Tucking away the file in the front, I hastily close the drawer.
    “So, how is it being a new father?” I ask as I gather all the files and hand them to him.
    “Lots of late nights and early mornings. It’s a big change, but I really like being a dad.” He grins as he places the folders underneath his arm. “Well, let me get these files over. Thanks for all your hard work, Elle, while I was out. The board was impressed with the report you put together.”
    “You’re welcome.” I smile. “The center means a lot to me. I’ve been coming here since I was twelve.”
    “Regardless, you’re a dedicated employee. You’re going to be successful in whatever you do.” He runs his hand through his jet-black hair as he turns to leave.
    “Thank you, Craig. That means a lot.”
    “I tell it like it is.”

    “Are you ready?” Tyler asks as he walks into the office, dressed in gym shorts and T-shirt. Clearly out of breath from playing basketball, he adjusts his backpack hanging off his shoulder.
    “You’re early.” I look up and smile. I didn’t realize the time. I still had some small things to finalize, but they can wait until tomorrow. We’re getting off early to pick up his brother Travis at the airport.
    “Yeah, this is my brother we’re talking about. I need to be on time.” He turns to the door, ready to leave. “Hurry up.”
    “I get it.” I laugh as I log off the computer. “Can you give me a minute so I can change out of these clothes?” I snatch my bag from underneath the desk and grab the keys to lock up the office.
    “Do you have to? I mean, you look fine to me.” He winks as he retreats a step to look at me dressed in a pair of simple khaki shorts, white blouse and sneakers.
    “You’re biased.” I laugh as I follow him out of the office and lock the door behind me.
    “No, I’m an expert.” He smirks as he walks toward the ladies’ locker room. “Be quick about this!”
    “Fine. I’ll be out in a jiffy.”
    I scurry into the locker room, throw on a pair of white capris and red tank top, one of the pieces of clothing I bought the day that Reed asked me to buy everything in red before he left for Texas. Why red? I guess I’ll never know. I was on the verge of returning everything, but it’s only clothing and lingerie from Victoria’s Secret. Who knows, maybe someday I’ll get to wear the lacy stuff.
    I let my hair out of my ponytail, brush my fingers through it, apply some clear lip gloss and strap on some white sandals. Tyler has no reason to be upset with me since it took me less than five minutes to change.
    “I’m done, so your big brother won’t be pissed,” I say as throw my bag over my shoulder and stroll out of the locker room.
    “Well, damn, you clean up very nicely.” He smiles sinfully as he grabs my hand to leave. The stars always seem to align perfectly to throw me into the most uncomfortable situations because we both come face-to-face with Cane who’s in the midst of walking a camper to get an obvious scrape on his knee checked.
    “Hey,” he says, lifting his brown eyes from our entwined hands to glowering back up at me as Tyler releases my hand.
    “Hi, Cane,” I say, kneeling down in front of the little boy. “What happened, Noah?” I ask, placing my hand onto the little boy’s shoulder.
    “I fell playing basketball,” Noah smiles as he continues, “but I’m okay,” he exclaims, straightening his shoulders and puffing out his chest.
    “Well, it doesn’t look too bad. You’re in good hands with Cane. He’ll get that fixed up in no time.” I grin, rubbing the little boy’s shoulder reassuringly.
    “Yes, we need to clean him up before he can get back on the court to shake and bake.” As Cane ruffles Noah’s hair, his eyes connect with mine. I stand and return his smile, thinking about the what ifs. Where would we be right now if he hadn’t slipped? Taking in the sight of him, I begin to wonder about that and when
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