Wakening the Past: A Time Travel Romance (Medicine Stick Series Book 2)

Wakening the Past: A Time Travel Romance (Medicine Stick Series Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Wakening the Past: A Time Travel Romance (Medicine Stick Series Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Barbara Bartholomew
city police and the OHP troopers busy while Alistair and his deputies patrolled the county roads that were their jurisdiction.
    Fortunately the wrecks this morning had mostly been a matter of sliding into ditches with no serious injuries. Alistair told himself grumpily that if he didn’t have to be out, he’d be home with his wife in front of the fireplace, but everybody seemed to think that by not showing up for work they might be considered not essential and so went on as though the roads were passable.
    Bobbi Lawrence’s family had called repeatedly for reassurance when they could not reach either her or Hart at the ranch and seemed to have trouble understanding why he, in the largest town in the county and with top-notch equipment, could receive calls while the two in a remote country setting were cut off from communication.
    As soon as the pressure of work slowed, he promised Dr. Stacie Hudson-Lawrence that he would get out to the ranch house to check on her daughter, adding, “I’m sure she’s fine with my wife looking after her.”
    “This is so unlike Bobbi,” the doctor insisted. “She’s always been so responsible.”
    Then it’s time she break out, he felt like saying. No fourteen-year-old has a right to be that responsible. He wondered how well Bobbi’s parents really knew her. The kid had struck him as being up to all kinds of mischief and smart enough to keep her folks from finding out.
    He grinned at the thought. Well, she would have met her match in Hart.
    The humor faded from his face and his mind as he thought of his wife. They’d been so happy to find each other again, at least he’d been, but now they were running off the tracks. Something was wrong between him and Hart and he couldn’t quite figure out what it was.
    By mid -morning the ice was beginning to be cleared from the main roads by the flow of traffic and his deputies were reporting that Nolan Jeffers seemed to have vanished from the earth. He decided to make a quick trip home to check on Hart and their uninvited guest.
    Hart had told Bobbi there wasn’t any central heat, phone service or warm food, but she’d forgotten to mention that the hot water heater also operated by electricity and was reminded of that failure when she heard a shriek from the direction of the guest bath.
    Oops! Nothing like an icy cold shower to start the morning bouncing.
    No coffee this morning, but the milk in the closed refrigerator was still cold and would stay that way if she put it outside on the porch. Before setting it out though, she poured cereal into a bowl, placed a glass of milk next to it, leaving it on the table for when Bobbi came in.
    That happened by the time she was halfway through her own cereal. Bobbie appeared, her hair wet, but dressed in jeans and a shirt, though still bare-footed.
    “Breakfast,” she said, indicating the cereal and milk.
    “How long can this go on?” Bobbie asked despairingly.
    “In December it was several days. Lots of county lines for the co-op to see to.”
    The sun was out and the ic icles hanging from the eaves were already beginning to drip, but she didn’t feel it was necessary to explain these facts to the teenager.
    What had Bobbi been thinking to run off, leaving the members of her family scared to death?
    Hearing the sound of a car out front, she ran to the window and saw her husband’s car pulling up in into the yard. Underneath everything, she’d been worried about him, knowing he was out on dangerous roads doing his job, just as he always would be during bad times. Sometimes she thought she hadn’t fully considered this business of being married to a lawman. His profession had seemed romantic and exciting when they first married, but now after everything that had happened, she wondered if she could live the rest of her life with this constant undercoating of fear.
    No matter. Right now, at this moment, he was safe. With a glad cry she ran to the front door and threw her arms around him as
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