Wake Unto Me
happening.” Her hand moved to Death. “Death is the force that will create your new life. It is the mechanism of transformation. Welcome it.”
    “I won’t welcome it,” Caitlyn protested. “When has death ever done anything good for me?”
    Her mother blinked several times, and when she glanced up again at Caitlyn, her pupils were back to their regular size, and her face normal. “There is no avoiding death, Caitlyn. Life cannot continue without it.”
    “That doesn’t make any sense,” Caitlyn muttered.
    Her mother smiled softly. “You aren’t yet ready to understand. But you will be, soon.”
    Caitlyn pressed her lips together. She didn’t want to understand. Death was no friend to her. “Where’s the Knight of Cups in all this? Shouldn’t he be rescuing me from abysses and fighting off skeletons on white horses?”
    “He’ll be there. But not, I think, in the ways that you expect.”
    Caitlyn shook her head in confusion and frustration, and then pointed to the final card, facedown upon the table. “So what does this one represent?”
    “This is the final outcome.”
    “Okay, let’s see it. God knows it can’t be any worse than what you’ve shown me already.”
    Her mother turned over the final card.
    The Wheel of Fortune.
    Caitlyn sighed a breath of wonder, and then looked at her mother. “The Rota Fortunae,” her mother said softly.“Fortune’s wheel.” She looked up at Caitlyn. “Destiny is at work in your life. That which seems random chance is not. You are at the edge of the wheel right now, lost in the chaos of a world that turns at maddening speed, but if you fulfill your destiny, you will journey to the heart of the wheel, where all is motionless and clear. You will journey to the heart. The heart. The heart,” she repeated as if possessed, “the heart in darkness.” Her eyes widened, and she stared at Caitlyn. “That is where you will find your true purpose.”
    Caitlyn struggled to make sense of what she was saying. “What is the heart in darkness? And why did you put this card under my pillow right before you died in that car crash? What did you mean to tell me?”
    Her mother’s brows puckered. “Car crash?”
    “April 25, when I was four years old.” Caitlyn frowned at her mother. “You haven’t forgotten that you’re dead, have you?”
    Her mother looked flustered, her gaze darting around the room, her hands growing restless, touching and shifting the cards on the TV tray. One hand stopped on the card of Death, and then her face slowly filled with sadness. “Dead. And you so young.” Her face contorted, her mouth turning down in an ugly grimace of grief, and then she violently swept the cards to the floor, the tray teetering and then falling with a clatter. She put her face in her hands and sobbed, becoming a living echo of the woman depicted on the Nine of Swords.
    “Mom…,” Caitlyn said, reaching out a hand in tentative comfort. Just as her hand was about to connect with her mother’s shoulder, Caitlyn felt a hand on her own shoulder, shaking her.
    “Caitlyn? Wake up,” her father’s voice said.
    Her mother started to fade into darkness, becoming transparent. “Mom!” Caitlyn screamed, struggling to reach her even as she seemed to be pulled away into darkness.
    Her mother looked up, eyes red with tears, and then her face filled with panic. She lunged toward Caitlyn, trying to reach her. “Caitlyn! Don’t go!”
    “Wake up! Caitlyn, it’s time to get up!” her dad insisted, shaking her harder.
    “Mommm!” Caitlyn moaned, and was pulled against her will back into the world of the waking. Her mother vanished, and she opened her eyes. Her father, his face haggard from lack of sleep, was looking down at her.
    He straightened up. “We have to get moving. You don’t want to miss your plane, do you?” He walked out and closed her door.
    She sat up, and picked up the tarot card on her bedside table. “Destiny,” she whispered, and traced her fingertip
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