Waiting for Me
back up with the circle. It was her nervous
     tick that betrayed her. Even though she acted like she was so sure of me, she wanted
     to be wrong.
    I put my hand over hers, stopping her. “And you’re not a novelty. You’re...” I searched
     for the right word to describe how powerful this attraction was. It hit me and my
     lips curled as I said. “Mine.”

    I abided her silence for the duration of the ride back to the house, but when she threw
     open her door and marched towards the studio, the Dom in me reached his limit.
    “Stop right there.”
    She did, then caught herself and whipped to face me. “I don't respond well to orders,
     Logan.” Her nostrils flared. “Or being reduced to some possession that you own.”
    I frowned. “That's what this is about?”
    “'You're mine'?” she spat. She jerked her thumb backward, pointing at herself. “No,
     I'm mine . Most of my life I was my dad's. I did everything to make him notice me. To make
     him see me. Even after I followed in his footsteps, I fade into the sea of his other
     employees. The only way he gives me a second glance is if I screw up.” Her voice wavered.
     “I belonged to Jason. I was his, I told him things, gave him pieces of me, but it
     wasn't enough. He was everything to me, but to him I was replaceable.”
    The tears that built in her eyes stirred the fire in my gut. “Any man that ever made
     you feel like you were something to be discarded—”
    “But don't you do the same thing?” she said tersely, tears threatening to spill down
     her cheeks. “You play and then you move on to the next. If Delilah freaking James
     can't hold your attention then how—”
    She hitched a breath as I held her, one hand cupping each cheek. Holding her steady.
     Forcing her to look me in the eye and hear every word.
    “You're not Delilah.”
    She sucked in a gasp, her cheeks darkening like she was offended. “Oh, I'm aware I'm
     not a—”
    I muted her retort with my lips. She didn't even put up a fight, her lips parting
     willingly with a tortured moan. It was the most beautiful surrender, my tongue dominating
     hers, dueling with hers, trying to put her worries to rest. She could stop putting
     Delilah on a pedestal, because she wasn't even a blip on my radar. Every part of me
     was tuned into Melissa. I felt the way she sucked in a breath when I took her bottom
     lip between my teeth and tugged. I felt her body becoming liquid and fluid beneath
     my touch. I pulled back, still holding her. Not wanting to let go. Her eyes were shut,
     lips still pursed like she was reliving the kiss.
    They fluttered open, her bruised pink lips trembling as she drug her tongue across
     it, collecting herself. “You're playing dirty.”
    “That's the only way to play,” I said huskily. I traced the outline of her lips with
     my finger, already planning its next destination. Down the nape of her neck, skating
     over the curvature of her breasts. Lingering at the nipple, flicking the nub as desire
     gripped her and stubbornness faded. Just as I was about to put my plan into action,
     I met those wild blue eyes and paused. I was the reader, so good at gauging reactions
     and determining how virtually anyone would proceed in any given situation, but she
     was evaluating me . Lip stuck out defiantly, but eyes electric and waiting for my touch.
    I trailed my finger down, noting the nervous swallow and slight tremor that rippled
     over her body as I stroked her collarbone. Even though I knew she’d be evasive, reluctant
     to admit what her body was shouting, I asked her anyway. “What are you thinking, Melissa?”
    She nibbled on her bottom lip, heat spreading across her face like wildfire. “Currently?”
     She sniffed, struggling to regain her composure. It was too late for all of that.
     She could deflect, but I could feel the lust radiating from her. Warm and lush and
     inviting. If I slipped my hand inside her pants and thrust my fingers inside her,
     I knew
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