Voodoo Kiss

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Book: Voodoo Kiss Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jayde Scott
mouth pressed into a tight line, but she kept quiet as she grabbed a brown pot with what looked like dried bones, and started spreading them around me. I eyed them, disgusted.
    "What's this about?" I asked. What did Gael have in mind? I trusted him, but the whole situation was too macabre for my taste. In my head, I recalled all the reasons why I hated surprises.
    "She's about to find out your future," Gael said.
    I raised my chin defiantly, ready to jump up and make a run for the nearest exit. "I don't want anyone to tell me my future."
    "We came all the way for this. I thought you'd appreciate it," Gael said. The glint from before returned, and for a brief second I thought I saw something dark in his eyes, just like that afternoon when he startled me. My temper flared. I shook my head, wondering what was wrong with me. First the hallucinations, now my inability to control myself. I lay on my back and nodded at Madame Estevaz , ignoring the nagging voice at the back of my mind.
    "Close your eyes and relax. Don't fight it," Gael said softly.
    My heart started to hammer against my ribcage as I closed my eyes, letting the darkness, which had been beckoning to me for a while, engulf me. Madame Estevaz called out in her native tongue. A second later, loud drumming echoed through the air. I opened my eyes when something soft covered my face. It was a black scarf that barely filtered the daylight. I was glad to find I could see through the thin material.
    Madame Estevaz began to hum next to me. Her soft murmur grew louder and seemed to accompany the tiny drum in her hand. Her words were sharp, hurting my ears even though I had no idea what they meant. The mattress began to shift to the left and right like a boat floating on water. Something moved across my skin; cold iron fingers grabbed hold of my arms and clasped tightly. Fear rose inside me. This didn't feel right. I scanned the air frantically, but I couldn’t see anything that might have touched me.
    Gael. My mouth opened, but no sound found its way out of my throat. I peered down at my naked arms where the skin looked pushed in as though invisible fingers were pressing down on my limbs. Coldness climbed up my chest and built a shield around my heart.
    And then the pain began, cutting through me like an arrow. Long pangs of it that made breathing impossible. The voice in my head screamed louder than Madame Estevaz's incantations. Another rush of pain rushed through me, and my body went into spasms. I felt my eyes roll back in their sockets. Something emerged beside me, and I knew instantly it was no mortal, nothing I had ever seen. Please. My mind was barely able to form the words, imploring the creature to go away and leave me alone, but I knew if it could hear me it wouldn't listen. The cold sensation around my heart grew stronger, reminding me of thousands of ice picks piercing my skin. I was so cold and yet my body was burning. A thin sheen of sweat covered me, soaking my skimpy clothes. Panic rose inside me. I had never been so scared in my life.
    Outside, the crow cawed, warning me. When the pain hit again, I clenched my teeth, ready to wait it out. But this time it didn't stop. For a long time, all I could feel were coldness and a horrible agony that wouldn't ebb.

Chapter 5 - Thrain

    After Cass disappeared I spent hours looking around Rio. For some inexplicable reason, my abilities wouldn't pick up Sofia's trail, even though I couldn't think of anything else. Ever since catching a glimpse of her at the airport, her face kept popping up in my mind, making focusing on anything else impossible. I attributed it to the immense pressure on me. Not only would I lose my rank and would never be able to return to my Origin. If I failed, I had no idea what Lucifer would do to me, and I certainly had no intention to find out.
    The hospital was a large building with paint peeling from the yellow walls. There were a total of five stories with the emergency department situated
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