Ashley.” She paused and rubbed her chin. “If Philip’s necromancers are in Boonville, and the Piasa Bird is heading there … never mind. We’ll meet at the shop. Edgar, follow that damn bird and make sure it doesn’t try to devour Boonville.” If it was a request, there was no hint of it in her voice.
“I need to clean up the house,” Dad said to himself as he stared off toward the river. “Andi won’t be happy when she comes home to that mess.”
I didn’t miss Dad’s use of ‘when’ instead of ‘if.’ Sam didn’t either, if the small frown on her face had anything to say about it.
“Do not worry about your home,” Edgar said. “It is done.” He nodded when Dad thanked him, but Edgar didn’t elaborate on why or how he knew it was done. I don’t know if he didn’t feel the need to tell Dad about the lengths Watchers go to while hiding our world, or if he just assumed Dad already knew because of me and Sam. Edgar turned to the fairies. “Cassie, Cara, would you care for a ride?”
The two fairies nodded and started forward before flashing into their smaller sizes and fluttering to either of Edgar’s shoulders. The Watcher adjusted his bowler, cocked his arm at a ninety-degree angle in front of his stomach, and began to float into the sky.
“He’s flying,” Dad said, nowhere near as much shock in his voice as there should have been.
I heard a small chuckle as Cassie waved from Edgar’s shoulder.
Zola turned back toward the rest of us. “Let’s go.”
Sam and I glanced at each other before we both nodded.
“Alright, you still want to stop by the farmer’s market on the way out of town?” I asked Sam.
She nodded.
“I’m going to ride with Zola,” Dad said.
“I’ll join you if you have room, Damian,” Mike said.
“Sure thing. Zola, you want us to meet you back at the Double D?”
“No, boy,” Zola said as we reached the cars. “We’ll join you at the market.”
“Alright, see you there.”
“I can’t believe Cara went with Edgar,” I said. “Maybe the world really is ending.”
Mike laughed behind me, his gruff voice filling the car. “There are worse things in the land right now than tickets from the Watchers. Cara is a smart woman. She knows a powerful ally when she sees one.”
“If Philip is coming for all of us …” Sam said, her eyes on the road as we started back in to the city. “What about Frank, Ashley, the wolves?”
I smiled. “Frank has two badass cu siths trailing him everywhere he goes. Anything short of that damn bird would be a snack for Bubbles and Peanut.” Sam grinned at that. “Ashley is no helpless witch, sis. Have you seen what she can do with those runes now? She is rising, even Cara thinks so.”
“But what if it’s Philip, or Ezekiel?”
“Ezekiel?” Mike asked. “I don’t think I could defeat him at my best. His powers are too great.”
I shuddered at the thought of Ezekiel. Philip scared me, but Zola said Ezekiel was unfathomably more powerful than Philip. She still hadn’t figured out why he’s tagging along with a weaker necromancer. I dread the day we find out.
“Best not to think about that now,” I said. “As for the wolves?”
Sam gave me a sideways glance. “Yeah, never mind. Werewolves.”
“Stubborn creatures,” Mike said. “But they are valiant, even honorable, in the right situation.”
I nodded in agreement.
“How are you doing without Nixie?” Sam asked.
I blinked at the complete logic leap of the conversation. “Where did that come from?”
“The werewolves. I was thinking about Hugh, which made me think of Haka and how Nixie saved him, and then how she’s been gone for a few months now. Obviously.”
I blinked again.
She swatted at me with her right hand. “Well? Did she call lately?”
“Call?” I said. “That’s funny. I guess it’s kind of a call, but seriously? You’re going to bring this up in front of Mike?”
Mike laughed. “She is a good person,