Us Conductors

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Book: Us Conductors Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sean Michaels
engineering but finessed, subtle, ingenious marvels of engineering. Some of humanity’s most agile thinkers had devoted decades to these behemoths, honing their components, increasing their efficiencies, and these are no wristwatches: they are huge! They haul small cities across seas.
    Amid the steamy machinery, I was also able to hide from Pash and his damned quizzes. He was conspicuous down there, too big and lumbering, a giant jammed into an expensive Moscow suit. He made the men with coal dust on their faces scowl.
    There were others I wished to avoid as well. At first I was happy to put up my feet in the first-class lounge and speak with fellow guests. The marvellous cellist Pablo Casals was on board, as was Jan Szigeti, the pianist from Lublin. We spoke about Tchaikovsky, acoustics, and standing ovations. But Szigeti became a nuisance. He followed me like a pet, standing too close, smelling of the saltwater he showered in. Smitten with my peculiar brand of celebrity, he wanted my opinion on all sorts of matters, from the crescent rolls at breakfast to the best makes of typewriter.
    It was our own fault, really, Pash’s and mine. As I have said, my English was then still very weak. So as we began to receive messages by wireless from America, we required a translator. Szigeti volunteered. There we were in the first-class lounge, chattering beside trays of steamed salmon, the wireless operator’s transcripts clutched in Szigeti’s puffy paws. He read them out to us. They all began with the words
Dr Theremin
; then they proceeded with several compliments; then a proposal—usually to do with a private party, at a chalet or on an island or at a “darling little apartment”; and finally, a figure. The lowest of these was $500, the highest, $6,100. As Szigeti converted from dollars to rubles, his eyes popped out of his head. “These are famous families!” he told us. “The Pittsburgh Clarks have a swimming pool the size of Slutsk!”
    I found these invitations vaguely horrifying. I did not wish to privilege the privileged. I wished to remain as I was, and proudly so: a representative of the scientific community, and of the people of Russia.
    But Pash was drawn to these offers like a magnet to a lockbox. It wasn’t just the lure of the greenback; it was those sterling American names. With bovine Szigeti before us, we argued in glances: Pash keen, me dull. When Szigeti was elsewhere, we were more forthright. In those days I was still sometimes able to sway my minder, to persuade him he should listen to me. I leaned on sheer pragmatism. I told him we needed to play the long game, bore any suspicious Americans with our guileless communist chastity. “We mustn’t look too eager,” I said. “We have to hide our appetite for Fords, Victors, Rockefellers.” I argued for us to keep to our plan, first demonstrating the theremin for my fellow scientists, academics, musicians, and a handful of journalists. After that, for the public at large. Finally—when we’d proven our priorities, castoff suspicion—“Then, Pash, you can go have a look at the Pittsburgh Clarks’ pool.”
    Over the course of two late-night conversations, murmuring from spring-bed bunk to spring-bed bunk, I persuaded him. Thereafter, our audiences with Szigeti were less strained. The pianist translated the offer; I feigned indifference; Pash shrugged his giant shoulders; and only Szigeti, stammering, counted the zeroes.

    THE ENGINE ROOMS ALSO provided a private place to do my kung-fu exercises. As sifu told me, my first week:
practise once a day, more will do no harm
    He had not seemed surprised when I appeared again at his kwoon, two months after stumbling in with Sasha. There was no concern in his face; he came over casually. He watched me watching the sparring students—only three there that day. “You want to learn?” he said finally.
    “I think so.”
    “You seem you think a lot.”
    It was partly the violence crashing
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