Un.Wavering (Claimed Series Book 3)

Un.Wavering (Claimed Series Book 3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Un.Wavering (Claimed Series Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Reese Morgan
group, a man with a bushy amber beard, assessed Hayden and Nicolas closely, his eyes landing on her open wound. He abruptly lowered his weapon, clearly putting the two and two together. The rest of his pack followed his lead.
    “We have what she needs.”
    Nicolas kept firm hold on the knife, not moving a muscle. She vaguely wondered if the group of werewolves identified him as Nicolas Slayter, the Alpha of the rogues. At least, he was the rogue Alpha to everyone but Hayden and Celeste’s closest allies.
    Another wave of dizziness and fatigue washed over Hayden, causing her head to collapse back and her eyes to close. The familiar effects of silver poisoning weighed heavily on her limbs and her wolf retreated further from her reach.
    “What makes you think we would follow you?” Nicolas inquired lowly.
    “She’s dying. Either you can follow us for the tonic, or you can try to save her ineffectively by sawing off her arm. Your choice. We couldn’t care a less either way.” The man sniffed. “We were drawn out here by the commotion with the Hunters. We will be fortunate if you didn’t lead them to our abode.” 
    “My sincerest apologies.” The Slayter Alpha sounded anything but sincere.
    Hayden pressed her lips together, her brow furrowing. She needed that tonic. What game was Nicolas playing? He was not one to play coy with strangers. Nor was he a man that would outwardly show reluctance and hesitation.
    “I never want to be responsible for a female’s death,” the man continued, sounding a bit more compliant. “We need as many of them alive as we can. I guarantee you that this is no trick. We’ll help with her wound and then you may leave. No strings attached.”
    Nicolas remained motionless, a statue of cold distrust. Hayden didn’t understand. The man was playing some game, a game she wasn’t privy to.
    “Please,” Hayden whispered, trying to pull away from Nicolas. “I need this.”
    Her pleading seemed to be what Nicolas waited for. He spurred into action, grabbing Hayden around the middle and hoisting her off the ground. He cradled her close, protectively, either out of true desire to do so, or more believably, for the watchful spectators.
    “The name’s Henry.” The scruffy werewolf introduced. “And you are?”
    “Cayden,” Nicolas responded, hardly missing a beat. “This is Nicole, my mate.”
    Hayden would have cringed at the introduction had she been in the state to do so. It was both ironically amusing and exasperating.
    Nicolas had a dark sense of humor.
    As she drifted off into unconsciousness, she knew Nicolas’ humor wasn’t his only dark trait. The man, despite his ‘noble’ intentions of rescuing Cole, had an overall dark nature. She hoped her alliance with him didn’t come back and bite her in the ass.

3. Chapter Three
    “Nice artillery.”
    Hayden’s eyes twitched restlessly behind closed lids. The comment roused her from the darkness and the vague, painful echoes of silver poisoning. Her first sense, beside the muttered compliment, was the dull ache in her shoulder.
    At least it was healing. Numbness surrounded the wound, and warmth emitted from it, but otherwise, it wasn’t nearly as excruciating as it had been. A thick, spongy bandage wrapped securely around her shoulder and under her arm.
    The strange werewolf pack proved more than efficient in healing. Anything was better than Nicolas sawing off her arm to prevent infection.
    Her second sense upon wakening was the smell. Without opening her eyes, she knew they were in a damp, earthy hideout. Dirt was the primary scent, the unwashed bodies was the second.
    Her own included.
    “Can you actually use them? Or are they just for petty decoration?”
    Hayden inhaled slowly, evenly, before opening her eyes. She was underground. The packed dirt ceiling, walls, and floor were evidence enough. It was warm and humid, almost unbearably so.
    Next to her, a man sat holding a long sword. A sharpening tool poised
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