Until the Stars Fall From the Sky

Until the Stars Fall From the Sky Read Online Free PDF

Book: Until the Stars Fall From the Sky Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mary Crawford
wondering how you got there faster than the lifeguards,” he comments, nodding . It also explains why you were so level headed during the incident. I have been after the city to add another position so we can remain fully staffed even if we have to help someone who needs first aid. Are you interested in the job? It sounds like you would be a shoe-in.”
    “ I’d love to, but my shoulder is just too messed up.” I reply with a dismissive shrug. The sad thing is that the offer really does sound very tempting. I would love to hang out with Jeff on a daily basis.

Chapter 7: Jeff
    As I watch the friends cheerfully reunite amidst tears and hugs, I find myself wishing I could have that kind of closeness too. You are such a dweeb! I begin the mental flogging. What were you thinking, kissing her hand? This is not Gone With the Wind . You probably creeped her out.
    “Jeff, can I borrow you for a second?” asks Heather, gesturing toward the exit of the tent where the beach Polaris quad is parked. “Kiera, we’ll be right back with your ‘legs’.”
    For a moment, I’m confused. I h ad forgotten that she uses a wheelchair. I know it seems like an odd thing to forget. She is so vibrant and funny that it is easy to overlook the wheelchair. Heather escorts me out to the quad and points toward the back. Sure enough, folded behind the backbench of the quad is Kiera’s wheelchair. It is unlike any wheelchair I have ever seen. It is both sleek and artsy. This thing has rims that would rival anything I’ve ever seen at an auto show. I lift the chair out of the back and watch intently as Heather unfolds it and places the cushion in the seat.
    “How did Kiera get up here if we had the quad?” Heather questions, looking around for another vehicle.
    “I carried her,” I reply as I shrug. I’m not sure what Heather is getting at.
    “Little Ms. Independent let you carry her? Wow! What an interesting development. Grasshopper, I have much to teach you,” she teases. “This is a very good sign, it means she trusts you. It’s a great start.” With her enigmatic pronouncement, she winks and hands me Kiera’s phone number. “Don’t wait too long to call. I don’t want Kiera to have a chance to second guess her instincts.”
    My phone rings as I watch Kiera drive away with Heather and Tara. It is hard to be jerked back to reality and I fight the urge to ignore it. I glance down to see if I need to answer it and frown when I see that it’s my sister, Donda. She knows that I’m working today and that I’m not supposed to take calls during my shift, so this must be critical. My stomach knots. I hope that it’s not an issue with Gabriel. Some kids have been bullying him at school and calling him a “mama’s boy” because his dad isn’t around. It’s not his fault that his dad was too stupid to hang around when he was a kid and then got killed. I pause to take a drink as I answer the phone. As I peel the label from my iced tea bottle, I wonder if this thing with Kiera was just an odd fluke or if there is more to it. Wouldn’t it be wild if she felt the weird energy between us too?
    “Hello, this is Jeff .” I answer, trying not to get sand on my phone.
    “I kind of figured that, since I’m the one that called , Little Brother,” Donda teases. I can practically see her smirk through the phone
    “You’re hilarious, Sis, what can I do for you?” I respond, suddenly exhausted. “I’m at work and it’s been a crazy day. We just had a rescue and I have a mountain of paperwork to do.”
    “You rescued someone, Squirt? I’m way impressed! Way to be all Baywatch ,” she retorts, sounding surprised, yet proud.
    “Actually, I didn’t even do the real rescuing; a civilian did. She was a good Samaritan.” I explain.
    “You sound impressed,” Donda observes.
    “You don’t know the half of it. Anyway, I know you didn’t call me at work to talk about my day. What’s up?” I ask, changing the subject.
    “I am worried
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