Until I'm Yours

Until I'm Yours Read Online Free PDF

Book: Until I'm Yours Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kennedy Ryan
why, but I feel that same guilt. Like I’d stood by and watched something awful without raising my hand or voice to help.

    I study my reflection in the bathroom mirror, but I don’t see a polished, poised woman with sleek hair, a pop of matte red lipstick, and lash extensions. Instead another girl, younger, with smudged lips, hair spilled around her shoulders, and angry, red welts at her wrists stares back at me. I hear her jagged inhales, the way her breaths drag over her quivering lips. The stench of her fear churns the dinner in my stomach, and nausea floods my mouth. I swore I’d exiled her for good. She was handled. She was dealt with, but now she’s back.
    Weak bitch.
    I thought I had gotten rid of her once and for all, but it only took him slithering back into my life to open the door for that weakling child to come out whimpering. I grit my teeth and close my eyes. When I open them, I am determined she will be gone.
    I open my eyes and jump a little when I find Kerris’s amber-flecked gaze reflecting back to me in the mirror over my shoulder. The last time we were in a bathroom together, we weren’t exactly sharing lipstick and tampons. She’d told me that Walsh was hers and she had no plans of letting him go—ever. I hated her that night, but maybe I also respected her a little for the first time.
    “We have to stop meeting this way, Kerris.” I tug at the plunging neckline of my dress. “Walsh sent you?”
    Kerris leans against the wall by the door and bites her bottom lip before speaking.
    “He was worried about you.” She clears her throat and a path for the next words. “He’s outside in the hall.”
    I check my hair one last time.
    “He has nothing to worry about.”
    “You seemed…I don’t know, disturbed. Was it that Kyle guy?”
    “Kyle Manchester does not disturb me.” I turn to face her, propping my backside against the marble counter. “Why would he? You can let Walsh know I’m fine.”
    “Or you could come out and tell him yourself.” Kerris doesn’t look away from my steady, blank stare.
    I’m just now realizing that what I took for timidity in Walsh’s little wife might be quiet strength. Our lives couldn’t have been more different. She spent her early years in foster homes, bounced around and abused. I was cultivated like a pearl, protected from harm and born to rule. She doesn’t know we may have more in common than she would assume. More in common than I want to share.
    In the six years since I first met Kerris, a lot has changed for us both. I had so much to prove to the world, to myself, to my parents, most of the time I didn’t care who I trampled to prove it. With Kerris, looks like I tried, but didn’t trample her. There’s a confidence in her now that has little to do with the money that comes with Walsh, and a lot more to do with the way he loves her.
    “Tell Walsh I’ll be out in a minute,” I tell her.
    With a quick nod she turns to go, but I surprise myself by stopping her with, of all things, a compliment.
    “That’s a fabulous necklace, by the way.”
    With her hand on the door handle, Kerris goes stiff and looks at me over her shoulder like the Wicked Witch of the West just gave her a Christmas present. She must think my compliment might explode at her feet.
    What made me stop her? Maybe it’s a diversion, a distraction from what’s out there. Or maybe I just love fabulous jewelry. It could really be a little bit of both.
    “Um, you mean this necklace?” She runs her fingers over the rounded stones strung together like pearls around her neck, but colored a distressed teal.
    “Yes, it’s unique. Where’d you get it?”
    “It’s one of mine actually.” A small smile tugs at Kerris’s lips.
    “Obviously it’s one of yours, but where’d you buy it?”
    Maybe she is slow.
    “No, I mean it’s from my Riverstone Collection. I make the jewelry myself.”
    Oh, so I’m slow. I forgot about her jewelry line. I wasn’t in
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