Unleash The Moon (The Preternaturals Book 6)
After he disappeared a few years
later, she’d become despondent, and her father had gotten even
crazier about the wards and protections and never letting her out
of his sight.
    Jacob drove faster. Not exactly the response she was
expecting to “Maybe we should go back.” His face was tense.
    “ Syd… we’re not going
    “ But…” Maybe he was right. Maybe
she should keep going. But wasn’t that supposed to be her decision?
She’d let him tag along and now he was acting like he was the one
in charge.
    “ I’m sorry, Syd. I need to go back
to my family.”
    “ Okay, so go, but take me home,
    “ I wish it were that simple. I
don’t know where they are. But I know someone who does. We’ve
orchestrated a trade.” It was clear from the expression on his face
that she was the trade.
    “ What? How? You live with vampires !” Sydney didn’t understand how
Jacob could possibly be some kind of double agent. Wouldn’t a vamp
have seen inside his head? The others couldn’t read him with
Elise’s claim on him. But Elise could. Then again, the vampiress
had harbored a strong grudge against Sydney for a while now. It
wouldn’t have been hard to get her cooperation.
    “ I met some magic users from the
Hub City.”
    It used to be known as Las Vegas a long time ago,
but when it was taken over by magic users, it had become the
central point of organization in this country.
    “ And?” She kept hoping for a
punchline. She was afraid she might be the punchline.
    “ And, they know where my parents
are. They shielded my mind so when I killed Elise, none of the
other vamps would have a chance to read me and know what was
happening. I’m sorry. They said they want to study you. They’re
fascinated by what you are.”
    And here she’d been worried
about his safety. What completely
wasted angst.
    Sydney wiped away a stray tear. It was bad enough to
be so physically weak, but she couldn’t let him see her cry on top
of everything else. “I thought you loved me.”
    “ I find you attractive, and you
aren’t unlikeable. It wasn’t hard to pretend what I wanted you to
see. But you had to know I wouldn’t be happy after being taken from
my family like that. The other humans at the compound are
different. They fell for the vampires who claimed them because they
were thrown out of the cities to the monsters, and those monsters
have treated them well in the end. It’s a little harder for me to
romanticize it.”
    She was glad she’d never fallen for him. It was bad
enough to be betrayed by someone she’d thought was a friend. If
she’d thought of him as more it would have been crushing. At least
she didn’t have to be the foolish girl who fell in love with
    “ I’m going to start looking for a
resting place for you for the day. I’ll figure out what I’m going
to eat when you’re asleep.”
    Once the sun came up, she’d sleep like the dead,
literally. She wouldn’t rise until after sunset. And Sydney rose
later than many other vampires, anyway. There were so many stupid
ways in which she was different, weaker, and not any kind of
respectable vampire at all.
    “ What am I going to eat?” she
    “ Me, like always,” he said with a
smirk that left her disgusted. Before, it had been bearable. Now,
the idea of drinking his blood when he intended to give her to the
humans made her want to vomit.
    The feeling of revulsion didn’t last. Something
predatory came over her, and she was filled with calm. Perhaps
there was some remnant buried deep inside her of what she was meant
to be as a vampire. She wasn’t sure what this feeling that had
bubbled up meant, but she was going to drain every last drop of
blood out of him. And then she was going home.
    “ I didn’t want you to find out
like this,” he said, not having noticed the change in her
    “ No, because this makes it
awkward. You might have to feel guilty. It would have been so much
easier if little Sydney hadn’t asked
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