Undercover Attraction

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Book: Undercover Attraction Read Online Free PDF
Author: April Rankin
Tags: Erótica, Sex, stripper, anal, cop, modern romance, handcuffs, kinky sex, vibrators
Drake, and
whispered something in his ear; the bartender nodded and ran off to
do his bidding.
    Jacob rested his arm along the back of the
sofa, caressing Jenna’s bare arm. He noticed a few women trying to
catch his attention for lap dances, but there was only one person
he wanted to rub against tonight, so he ignored all others. They
would just get another dancer anyway, so no harm done.
    “Where are you all from?” He was trying to
make small talk to keep his mind from thinking about how soft her
skin was. Already he could feel the inevitable hard-on stirring
again, just from being in her proximity.
    “Boulder City for me, the university for all
of them,” Jenna said, looking directly at him as she answered. He
had the darkest eyes she had ever seen on a man. Dark gray with
silver flecks, intense, intelligent.
    Jacob could drown in hers. Those green
depths held a lot more than intelligence. She had a way of looking
directly at him, as if she was trying to judge his soul by staring
into his eyes. Most of the other women he knew had shifty glances,
shielding their eyes, avoiding his when they spoke, but Jenna
didn't. She had a direct stare, as if she wasn't afraid of
    Their drinks arrived, breaking the spell and
Drake handed them all out to the girls.
    “What is it?” Amy asked as she took
    Drake smiled, “Sex on the Beach for you
two,” Amy’s and Taylor’s. “A Buttery Nipple for her,” he handed
Shea one, “virgin Blow Job for you”, Mackenzie’s, “and a Wet Pussy
for you,” and he handed it to Jenna, who was fairly red in the
    “Oh, my, it’s like an orgy!” Amy said,
laughing. “Drink it Jenna, don’t just look at it.”
    “I’m almost scared of the results.” But she
drank it anyway, allowing the fruity concoction to dance on her
tongue for a few minutes, the alcohol in her blood allowing a pool
of wetness to gather between her thighs. Of course the sexy
individual next to her was helping matters along by rubbing his
hand along her arm, creating a trail of tingles.
    There was more than just an answering call
of desire floating in Jacob’s veins. He wanted Jenna with more than
he could possess. He wanted to claim her, to make her know forever
that she was heating his blood, to mark his name on her soul.
    He could feel her body answering his call, her arm breaking out in goose bumps where he
rubbed, her thighs spreading a bit to allow her leg to rest along
    She was shaking her head vehemently at
something her sister whispered to her. Amy leaned forward to speak
over Jenna to him.
    “Jenna wants a lap dance but is too
chicken-shit to ask.”
    “Amy!” Jenna cried, covering her flaming
face with one hand.
    He smiled to himself. He had known that he
would have had to instigate getting her alone, but her sister was
absolutely a saint, and he wasn’t about to miss his chance.
    “I thought she would never ask.” He heard
her groan as she lifted her glass and downed the rest of her rather
stout drink, handing the empty glass to her sister.

Chapter 3.
pulled her to her feet, smiling at the expression on her face that
said she just wanted to die. He almost laughed as she mouthed
'You're so gonna die' to her sister and friends as he led her away.
She followed him reluctantly, her mouth dropping open when she
stepped into the private rooms that served the purpose of
    There was a lush blue love seat along one
wall with plump matching pillows piled on it. Across the tiny room
was a small table that held an iPod dock. Thick, lush carpet
covered the floor, swirling in patterns of brilliant green and
blue. The doorway was covered with a thick curtain of blues and
greens that made her head feel as if it were swimming in a sea of
sensuality. Jenna thought that it looked like a porn star’s
playhouse, if ever one existed.
    And with this man so close to her, she
definitely felt like a porn star. She didn’t know if it was the
alcohol making her want to
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