to other women more than he was to me.
    Was I doing something wrong? Had I gained weight? Maybe I wasn’t fulfilling his needs? I wasn’t sure.
    Realizing I was getting distracted, I finished their photoshoot and got more pictures than I’d ever need.
    “You guys are cute,” I said with a smile.
    The bride smiled. “No, my fiancé makes us cute.”
    He rubbed his nose against hers. “I just think we’re adorable together.”
    I would be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous.
    We packed up everything and parted ways. “I’ll have these ready for you in a week.”
    “Awesome.” The groom shook my hand. “Thank you so much.”
    “Of course.” I hugged the bride then got into my beat up Ford. It was made in 1980 and didn’t have an AC. But it was my grandfather’s and I could never get rid of it. They didn’t make them like this anymore. I rolled down the window and took advantage of the San Diego breeze.
    When I got home, I got to work on the picture. I had all the equipment I needed to enhance and edit each one. I used Photoshop but I tried to limit the number of alterations on people. While I wanted them to look good, I didn’t want them to be so altered that it wasn’t believable. Besides, every person I’d ever photographed was beautiful. I didn’t need to do anything.
    I had an interview with a gallery tomorrow. I wanted to sell some of my photographs in an established and respected gallery. While I loved doing freelance photography, I wanted to be respected as a real artist. And I took pictures of things besides people. Actually, it was my favorite type of photography.
    My phone rang and I saw Jace’s name on the screen.
    I was nervous to talk to him, and not in a good way. Things were different now. I couldn’t put my thumb on it, but our relationship had changed in a negative way. I didn’t want to sit down and talk about it, but I didn’t know what else to do at this point. I answered it. “Hello?”
    “Hey, baby. Sorry it took so long to get back to you.”
    “It’s okay.” I’m used to it anyway.
    “Something wrong? You sound down.”
    He finally noticed . “Can we get coffee or something?” I preferred to have this conversation in a public place. If we broke up, which I had a feeling we would, I didn’t want to kick him out of my apartment or leave his house.
    We never got coffee so I understood why he thought it was odd. “Just somewhere we can talk.”
    He was quiet for a while. “Is this because of lunch the other day?”
    I didn’t want to have this conversation over the phone. “Can we just meet somewhere?”
    “I’ll just come to your apartment.”
    I sighed. “Fine.”
    “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
    I hung up without saying goodbye. I guess I didn’t realize how mad I was until now. I got back to work and tried not to think about it.
    A few minutes later, he knocked on my door.
    The anxiety pooled in my stomach. I took a deep breath before I walked to the door and opened it.
    The concern was in his eyes. He studied my face, examining my lips and eyes. “Hey.”
    The tension was obvious to both of us.
    He came inside and shut the door behind him. “Alaska, what’s going on?” He kept his arms by his sides but he still seemed threatening. He was jittery, uncomfortable. I could hear the fear in his voice. If he was so scared I was going to dump him, then why didn’t he act happier to be with me?
    “Let’s sit down.”
    He sighed and clenched his fists before he did as I asked.
    I stared at my kitchen while I felt his heated gaze on me.
    “I just feel like our relationship isn’t the same anymore. You don’t look at me the way you used to. You’re always too tired after work to see me. You don’t touch me anymore. When we first got together, you couldn’t keep your hands off me, and now I’m lucky if you hold my hand. We used to have sex nonstop and now it seems like you aren’t interested in it anymore.
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