the worse scenarios will do that to you.
“Wakie, wakie.”
I let out a sob when I hear Parker’s voice. I don’t know why, but I just want to be left alone. Today is that type of day that you cover yourself with blankets and stay in bed. But that’s not a possibility when you have a child and a business to run.
“Hey?” I hear him walk over to my side before his hand lands on my back. “What’s wrong?”
Another sob wracks my body when he speaks. “Samantha?” His voice gets more demanding than concerned. I fight him as he tries to pull me to sit up but eventually I lose.
“What is going on?” he asks kneeling down in front of me.
I shake my head quickly as I wipe the tears from my face. “Nothing.”
“You’re lying.”
More tears fall. Is Slade lying? I mean, I know it’s a business trip but is he going to go to a bar there by himself? Will he meet someone who makes him feel the way I used to? Someone young and pretty with no cares in the world? I was once that girl. Hell, that was me about two years ago. Most couples date for years, get married and then wait a few more to have kids. Our relationship moved so fast.
“Is it because Slade left town?” he asks, and I can’t help but nod my head.
“He didn’t even ask me to go,” I say sadly. “Sadey and I could have gone up there with him. He just called and said he has to stay another day. It is Valentine’s Day, after all.” Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. He said he would be back by tomorrow afternoon. But I would have loved for me and Sadey to have gone up there tonight and stayed with him. Guess he didn’t feel the same.
“Shit,” Parker hisses softly as if he just realized tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I’m pretty sure Slade doesn’t know that. I just remembered it this morning after Slade walked out of the house. Which is crazy because I have been preparing for it for the last month up here at the bakery.
“Let me help you,” Parker says running his hands down the side of my arms.
“You can’t.”
He stands and looks down at me. “I can. Let me watch Sadey. You can leave tomorrow morning and come back on Sunday. It will be one night.” He smiles softly down at me. “If I have any problems, I have plenty of friends to call.”
“I can’t…Tate and Missy…”
“I live with them. They can help me if I need it.” He bends down, grabs my hands, and pulls me to stand. “You can and you need to.” He sighs as if he’s thinking how to say the next words. “I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s serious, Sam.” I sniff. If someone like Parker who is too consumed with himself can see his friend is having marriage problems, then it is obviously bad. “But go and surprise your husband on Valentine’s Day.”
I’m at a loss. I need to see my husband. I need to talk to my husband and I need to do it without Sadey around. The girls can run the bakery just fine without me for one day. I don’t want her to hear us fight, and I don’t want to do something stupid that will wake her up. Somehow the universe has sent me Parker to save my marriage and my sanity. Oh God, I’m gonna barf.
Slade called me five times today. And text me about twenty. He was overly sweet and sounded in a much better mood, but I couldn’t help think that it was because of the case. He’s getting to do what he has always loved. I wasn’t making him smile. Or making him laugh, and that is what hurts me the most.
My plane ticket has been bought. My bag is packed. All I need is a good night’s sleep, but I can’t close my eyes. I keep thinking about Slade as I lay here in our bed. Our little princess lays sleeping beside me. I wonder what he’s doing. If he’s working or sleeping. If he’s getting a drink out at some bar or if he’s thinking about me.
What is going to Chicago going to fix? When we step off that plane on Sunday, we go back to our busy lives. Life isn’t a vacation. And marriage isn’t easy. I