humble the pride of Satan and it was not till he had been plunged into hell on three separate occasions that his head finally drooped, when the hermit rested and allowed his little partner to repose also.
All this time I had been pressing Evelyn and Nora closely to me and from time to time I had taken a stealthy glance at them.
They had watched the development of the story panting with pleasure, their lips slightly open as though inviting my kisses, their eyelids drooping, and their cheeks suffused with blushes. I could feel them quiver with the depth of emotion of young virgins before whom the mysteries of life are being unfolded.
Each time that Father Rustique buried his devil in hell, one could see, thanks to the excellent way in which the picture was presented, the great red head penetrate the fresh young lips, as pouting and soft as the mouth of a baby, and then work its way in and out, till the final spasm shook the lucky hermit. And all this time I could feel the two girls trembling with emotion, their bodies stiffened and contracted with the intensity of a desire hitherto wholly unknown to them.
And now the film was set in motion again and we could see, on the next day, the holy father recommence with his charming pupil his pious exercises. And now it was evident from her lascivious motions that Alibech was beginning to find these religious observances exceedingly pleasant, so that she was plainly urging the good hermit to be as zealous as possible in the prosecution of his good works; and as her imagination developed in the joy experienced in thus doing her pleasant duty she invented new positions and fresh ways of inserting the father's devil into her hot little hell.
Thus it was that we saw her kneel on the edge of the bed and present her lovely soft bottom as if she had been inviting her companion to chastise her. But he knowing that this was not her intention, and excited by this delightful situation, opened the thighs of the little angel and plunged his weapon into her from behind. And here too every detail of the operation was most admirably represented.
And so the picture went on and on and Alibech became more and more expert in varying the method of putting the devil into hell. Sometimes, so as not to fatigue her instructor, she would place him on a chair and then getting astride of him, and turning her back to us, she would, like a thoughtful child, take all the hard work on herself, and here too we could see that she made as excellent a rider as she had proved herself a docile mount.
Nora, who had very quickly become perfectly at her ease with me, while this little scene was in progress pressed my hand which was squeezing her trembling bottom, and resting her sweet head against my shoulder, whispered in my ear: 'Oh! Uncle Jack, Uncle Jack!'
'You would like to be in Thebais, Nora, dear?' She only answered by an eloquent look, in which already the voluptuous and loveable young woman which she was to become later on was revealed to me.
Evelyn said nothing but I was aware that she was just as excited as Nora. She did not miss a single point of the interesting entertainment which I had provided for her, and I felt sure that she was registering every detail in her faithful memory in order, later on, to be able to overwhelm with her science the 'seniors' of the Lesbian Society.
I will leave the reader to imagine the condition in which I was myself during all this time. I do not wish to dwell on this more than I can help, my object being, as far as possible, to write of these things objectively to use the expression of a certain modern school.
Then, as the picture went on, we saw the repeated punishment of the devil beginning to have its inevitable effect on the worthy hermit, whose food consisted for the most part only of fruit and water. Little Alibech became distressed at his want of zeal and found it necessary to rouse the devil into action, till at last, evidently much to her disappointment, Father
C.L. Scholey, Juliet Cardin