pretend I didn’t know anyone named Maya.
    A much taller girl with perfect curves, perfect features and perfectly tousled golden-blond tresses followed. Her white bikini was a glaring contrast to her incredible tan. I knew immediately it was Olivia. With a start I realized the ebony-haired Goth girl was Hailey.
    At least I was pretty sure it was Hailey, even though the white-blond hair was dyed an unnatural shade of black. I was guessing it was maybe shoulder length but it was hard to tell as it was up in two haphazard pigtails with chunks of shiny red poking through. Her bangs were cut straight across her forehead. Her big, pale blue eyes were thickly lined in black. Her lips were the color of an overly ripe plum. Despite all of that, she still looked obnoxiously cute.
    “ Maya !” she shrieked one last time. As she reached me she threw her arms around me, almost toppling us both to the ground.
    “Hailey?” I guessed with a smile and raised eyebrows.
    “Hi, Maya!” Olivia said with a smile. She gave me a hug when Hailey released herself from my neck.
    I laughed. “This is sure a different look than what I remember,” I said to Hailey.
    She held out the sides of her black sarong and gave me a little curtsey. Her black pigtails bopped enthusiastically as she did so. Then she let out a happy laugh and clapped. “I’m so excited! I can’t believe you’re back! This is going to be the best school year ever !” she enthused.
    “She’s right. We’re going to make sure we have a great senior year.” Olivia stood back, obviously checking me out. “You’ve changed so much! You are absolutely gorgeous!” Olivia told me.
    I blushed.
    “She is, isn’t she?!” Hailey asked with a happy grin. Her gaze was swinging back and forth from Olivia to me. She looked like she was going to bounce right out of her skin. “She looks great!” Then she looked me up and down. “Oh, wow! You look so good! You don’t look anything like you used to!”
    I felt my blush deepen, for a different reason now. I kept my smile frozen in place.
    Hailey did a few more happy bounces, threw in a few more claps and then threw her arms around me again.
    When she released me a pretty girl with shoulder length mahogany hair was standing beside us. I knew right away she had to be an athlete of some sort. She was wearing a wispy covering over her swimsuit but her muscle definition was clearly evident. She gave me a wry smile and her brown eyes sparkled mischievously.
    “Be careful,” she warned. “Our Goth girl is packing Pixie Dust again.”
    I scrunched my face up in mild wonder, glancing back at Hailey.
    “Pixie Stix , silly, Pixie Stix, ” Hailey practically sang. She reached behind herself and whipped out a small bright green and white paper tube. I could only imagine she had them sticking out of the back of her bikini bottom. She bopped the unfamiliar girl on the nose with it as though it were her magic wand.
    The girl snatched it from Hailey’s hand and smacked her across the forehead with it. “I’ll give you one guess where you can stick your Stix if you do that again,” she said with a huff. Then she turned to me. “I’m Phoebe, by the way. And I know you’re Maya.”
    I nodded, wondering if this was really how I wanted to spend the rest of the day.
    “Let’s go!” Hailey said as she grabbed me by the wrist and started to skip away. I must’ve been dead weight for her because after two little skips she realized I wasn’t going to be keeping up. She let go and took off down the beach.
    “We’ve got our towels spread out down there,” Phoebe said. She pointed in the direction Hailey had bounced off in.
    “It’s close to the snack shack and volleyball nets. That’s where the cute guys hang out,” Olivia informed me.
    “Sounds good,” I replied, not sure of what else to say.
    The beach was crowded. It was the perfect day to be outdoors and one of the last days of summer vacation. Hailey swerved around
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