Try Me On for Size

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Book: Try Me On for Size Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stephanie Haefner
trouble. Mia vowed to get Ryan out of her head before the next interview. It wouldn’t be fair to compare them to him. She’d gotten carried away and lost in the dreaminess of him. So unprofessional. But damn, he was hard to shake off.
    “Hello? Mia? Where’d you go again? This guy must be completely drool-worthy for you to get lost twice thinking about him. Spill.”
    “It’s really no one.” Only the hottest, most down-to-earth guy she’d met in forever. That combo didn’t come along often. “Just a guy we might hire for the shop.”
    “Is he hot?”
    It didn’t take much for the image of Ryan’s face to appear in front of her eyes. “Yes, if you must know. He is good looking.”
    “See. I knew it! You like him.”
    “It’s not like that. It’s for work. We’re interviewing models for a new product line. No big deal.” She picked up a blue polo shirt with a sailboat on it. Riley was easily distracted. “I think Nico Junior needs this, don’t you? It will look so cute with his new hat and shorts.”
    “Oooh, you’re right. Lemme have it.” She added it to her growing pile of tiny clothing. “So, is the shop gonna carry a line of men’s things? I’d definitely be interested in getting something sexy for my man to wear, if he’s ever home to give me some.”
    “Uh. No.” Mia picked up another cute outfit, trying the distraction thing again. Not working.
    “So what do you need models for, then?”
    Riley hadn’t even glanced at the denim overalls Mia held. She knew that look in her sister’s eye. She was nosy as could be and no way was Mia getting out of it until she spilled.
    “Fine. We’re starting a line of . . .” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Toys.”
    “Really? Well, I might just stop in and pick something up. You know I’m always game for something new and exciting in the bedroom.”
    “I don’t think you’ll want any part of this.”
    Just spit it out. “We’re hiring a model to be a spokesperson. And we’re using his, um . . . manhood, as a mold for our new dildo line.”
    Riley’s eyebrows scrunched and her jaw dropped. She pushed the stroller with one hand and yanked Mia with the other to a quiet corner of the store, behind a tall rack of bibs. For a pregnant woman, she was strong, and moved fast.
    “Before you say anything, it’s not a big deal.” Was she trying to convince Riley or herself? “It’s risky, but it’s our last-ditch effort to save the shop. We need something big and new. Something fun. Lingerie by itself just isn’t cutting it anymore. It’s a done deal. I’ve already started testing out the models.”
    “Whoa, wait a minute. You’re having sex with these guys?”
    “Um, yeah. How else am I gonna know if their parts work right?”
    “Oh. My. God. It’s one thing to sell dildos; I’m fine with that. But actually testing out a stranger’s penis? Eww. What if the guys are dirty or hairy? Or what about diseases? Mom and Daddy are gonna flip when they hear this.”
    “You can’t tell them. I do not need their meddling right now.”
    “I can’t keep this quiet!”
    “You have to. Please,” Mia begged, and remembered her sister’s other statements. “And the guys are screened. They come from a reputable modeling agency and have all been tested for STDs.”
    “I can’t believe my sister is a penis tester.”
    Mia tried to fight her grin, but failed. And Riley couldn’t hold hers, either. “I guess I am a penis tester.”
    The women burst out laughing, gasping for breath.
    “Can I help you find something?” a snooty saleslady asked.
    Riley caught her breath first. “No, we’re good.”
    The woman rolled her eyes and left, Mia finally stopping her laughter. “Are we really okay? Will you keep quiet?”
    Riley sighed in dramatic Riley fashion. “I guess.”
    “Thank you!” Mia reached out and hugged her sister, bulbous baby belly hindering a proper embrace, then dug for the plaid baby hat in the mound of
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