denoted as ‘consciousness’, the very substrate and core of all existence and of intelligence itself. Consciousness alone has all the qualities by which to compare and unite these seemingly disparate realms into a comprehensive unity with stratified expressions. Consciousness itself is the key to the sought-for ‘unified field theory of everything (statement calibrates at 1,000). Beyond the field of consciousness, nothing exists because it is universal and independent of time or location. Curiously, at the same time, it is knowable, able to be experienced, and its levels are discernable and identifiable.
We can start from the beginning and then address the following questions:
1. What is common, necessary, and intrinsic to all possibilities of existence, experience, or expressions thereof?
2. What is the irreducible substrate of the visible and the invisible, the subjective and the objective, form and formless, and identifiable anywhere in time or space, i.e., the Absolute?
3. Is the Presence of such universality identifiable, to what degree, and under what circumstances?
The field of consciousness alone fulfills all the requirements. Its presence can be discovered only via the exercise of its own innate quality, i.e., the sole tool by which consciousness can be identified, studied, and examined is by utilization of the qualities of that consciousness itself. Comparably, it is only life itself that can study and experience life because it is the core and substrate of awareness. For a comparable reason, the irreducible substrate of epistemology is subjectivity, of which gnosis is an experiential potentiality that becomes actualized at its highest level of expression in the enlightened state of the sages of all time.
As will become apparent from further examination and discussion, the understanding of consciousness reveals that all that exists, with no exception, both subjective and objective, physical and nonphysical, with or without form, irrespective of state or qualities, has its existence along an identifiable and describable continuum. There is no discontinuity, for in reality, there is only energy that is expressed in the characteristics of its different frequency ranges. The physical universe is a vibrational frequency spectrum, beyond which the physical dissolves into the invisible but increasingly powerful ranges of energy that go on up through extremely high ranges and their ultra-high harmonics to the very source of existence itself. At the most primordial level, the manifest is an actualization of the unmanifest, by which the potential becomes the actual (i.e., Creation).
Is a single ‘theory of everything’ a verifiable reality? Is it a practical tool or an abstract hypothesis? Through study, it will become obvious that such a theory is of the utmost practicality and equally applicable to every aspect of the human experience as well as the universe. Its utilitarian value is immeasurable in that it differentiates the possible from the impossible, the actual from the potential, and the unreal from the real (cal. level 1,000).
That a verifiable truth about everything and anything anywhere in the universe is accessible for the mere asking is so astonishing that it challenges every basic human assumption. Upon investigation, it becomes starkly obvious that all existence throughout all time, beyond all duration and location, including the human experience thereof in all of its possibilities, is an expression of one single, all-encompassing energy field of infinite potential, and that a quality of the field itself is its capacity to actualize potential from the formless into actual, identifiable form.
Whether one chooses to label the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, universal, all-encompassing, all-present, beyond-all-time-and-space field as divine or not is a personal choice. Historically, because the word ‘God’ has been so maligned, abused, and misrepresented over the course of time, the Buddha