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Book: Trusted Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jacquelyn Frank
messages back and forth, but there have been no messages save the one telling me Mox had found position in the garrison. It will take time for him to work his way to a position of any value and trust, so I do not expect any results any time soon. But I do expect updates and it bothers me that I haven’t heard from them. I do not wish for us to lose more men to those sick bastards.”
    “On that we are agreed, brother,” Killium said grimly. He observed Garrick for a moment longer. “He does seem to be off his feed,” he remarked, nodding slightly toward the very bored looking Dara who was getting nothing of the king’s attention. Though she shouldn’t feel bad. He was ignoring all things equally. “Do you think he would have handled the loss better had we a body to burn?” he asked Jesso.
    “Perhaps. This is so open ended it’s hard for us all. But we are closing a door that needs to be closed. Who is he looking for?” Jesso asked in exasperation as Garrick scanned the crowd for the third time.
    “I have no idea. Hannibol made mention that he was searching out the champion of the games from two shona back. Perhaps it is he?”
    “Why would he be looking for a soldier of the Order? Unless perhaps…do you think…?” Jesso asked.
    “It is possible. The boy may be a candidate. However, he is full young to be Trusted.”
    “Were you much older?” Jesso teased. “We were all elevated to Trusted when the old king died at Garrick’s hand when we were all young bucks. As young as Garrick himself was at the time. We were all the best of friends strutting our way through our positions in the Order when Garro died. Garrick should have elevated seasoned warriors, instead he chose his best friends. Luckily for him, we became seasoned as time went on.”
    “Don’t say seasoned,” Killium groaned. “It sounds like ‘old’.”
    Jesso laughed out loud. “We are yet in our prime! And will be for quite some time. Death is a long way off for any Vena. We live to be well over a hundred yana old! The men do anyway. The women…well, it all depends. Childbirth is hard on our women.”
    “Let us return to the topic of a new Trusted. Do you think Garrick will ask our opinion on the matter?”
    “I am certain that he will,” Jesso said. “We must be bonded together as brothers. He will ask us if his choice is amenable. He will probably ask us to help choose from selected candidates. He will possibly ask us to put forth candidates of our own.”
    “That would be well received,” Killium said.
    Jesso saw Garrick suddenly straighten up, his eyes locking onto something. He surged out of his chair and strode across the room. Jesso followed Garrick’s gaze and saw Dakon, the champion from the games two shona ago. So, it had been the champion Garrick had been looking for. Jesso wondered why he hadn’t just called him to him before this.
    Dakon saw the king coming his way and anxiety gripped him. Why had the king called him to him? It had been a while since the games and the king had seemed heavily occupied by the memorial service and mourning rituals for Ulric. Why thoughts of Dakon should suddenly enter his head could mean very few things. Was he being considered for Trusted? Was his dream finally coming through?
    He knelt as the king approached, bowing his head in the respectful submission that was expected of all who faced the king directly. The king made an impatient sound in the back of his throat, signaling Dakon to get to his feet.
    “I have been looking for you,” the king said, sounding impatient in voice now as well.
    “I am yours to command.”
    “Where is your sister?”
    “My…my sister?”
    “Yes. I told Hannibol to tell you you were to bring your sister.”
    “My king, no one gave me such a message. I was told only to report to you.”
    The king sighed harshly. “Very well.” He eyed Dakon critically. “So, I’m to understand it you have ambitions?”
    “A-ambitions, my king?”
    “To become
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