Triptych and Iphigenia

Triptych and Iphigenia Read Online Free PDF

Book: Triptych and Iphigenia Read Online Free PDF
Author: Edna O’Brien
have the male energy lines, a helluva hip guy, I’ll give him credit for that. … One night he brought a porno, people doing it nonstop, like a zoo … We couldn’t stop guzzling the booze and giggling … Nathan gave himself a body scrub in the shower.
    Mistress is sitting on the last step of the staircase.
    MISTRESS    (
low with emotion
) When I told him, he froze. He said, “You’ve got to get rid of it.” And I said, “No, it’s mine, mine … I’ll rear it alone.” I’ve never seen a man so thrown, so flabbergasted, he went ashen. I said, “Is it your wife … is it your daughter?” and he said a most cutting thing. He said, “It’s not my wife, it’s not my daughter, it’s you and it’s me … A man thinks he has found a new woman, a great woman, but it always turns out to be the same bloody woman in different costume.” He walked out of the restaurant; “You rat, you fucking rat!” I shouted and I was certain that he had merely gone down the street to think things over, men are wont to go down the street to think things over, but I was wrong. Not long after, I rang my friend Rachel to ask for her doctor’s number and I took two weeks off work and learnt that my understudy was a wow.
    Daughter lying on her futon, flicking through salacious magazines, whistles, etc.
    DAUGHTER    Wow, she’s curvy … You’ve got a very big bush, madam, you could sweep Amsterdam Avenue with that.
    Wife in raincoat and red beret approaches the Mistress’s space pointing the ferule of the long black umbrella. She is smiling, almost laughing. She has had a few drinks, weaves a little.
    WIFE    (
) Oh show me the way to the next whiskey bar
    Oh pretty boy
    Please don’t ask why,
    You know that you must die …
    Oh, pretty boy
    MISTRESS    Whenever I saw a mother and a baby on the street I just burst into tears.
    WIFE    (
) Your hair … something different … Seems shorter … Not quite so tousled.
    MISTRESS    You’ve been on the town, I see.
    Wife, ignoring that, takes a photograph out of her wallet.
    WIFE    Souvenir. Thought you’d like to see what Henry looked like when we met twenty years ago … He’d seen a postcard of James Dean wearing a cap, standing by some fence so he got himself the same cap. From the moment I met him I decided that he was the one, my Orpheus, even if it meant going down into hell for half the year.
    MISTRESS    Look, I am not breaking up your marriage and I don’t intend to … I am his mistress and I know the rules.
    WIFE    You and your ilk are a pox on married households … up our husbands’ asses, licking our husbands’ asses … and we carry the can and smile and say, “Darling, shall we have Lourda O’Shaughnessy around for dinner?” She of the alabaster cleavage. And we smile and smile (
lower voice
) and get fat.
    MISTRESS    He spends time with you … Christmas, Thanksgiving, anniversaries … values your advice about his work.
    WIFE    He’s washed up. He has a block. He can’t deliver. It’s different with actors, you can fake it … you have your (
) repertoire of masks … that you put on and off at will … but a writer dons a mask at his peril. When he goes into solitary, he doesn’t lie, Clarissa.
    MISTRESS    (
) What pearls of wisdom.
    Wife picks up a vodka bottle off the dressing table.
    WIFE    May I?
    MISTRESS    Help yourself.
    Wife drinks, savoring it.
    WIFE    You went to Washington with him.
    MISTRESS    Did I?
    WIFE    I telephoned him at his hotel and the girl on the switchboard said he was out, so I tried later. She said, “Ma’am … you’ve been phoning all evening.” I said: “No, that’s his
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