Tripping on Love
beer. A man with a finer taste for life.
    'Carl and I were in a business meeting earlier and he mentioned he was hosting a party this evening, so I thought I’d check it out. More so out of politeness than pleasure' he admitted with a small shrug of his shoulders. Good manners too, I noted.  
    Teasing, he reached out to poke my arm. 'It's lucky I did though, huh. Or else I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of meeting such a lovely a woman as yourself.' Very smooth. He certainly knew how to charm. Perhaps a little too much so? I smiled despite myself. 
    'Of course. Who wouldn't want to meet a catch like me?' I joked.
    Will's face flashed before my eyes, reminding me that there was certainly one person who didn't think I was first prize. I felt my happiness cloud over. Edward's intense eyes narrowed, catching my expression. A questioning look passed across his face.
    ‘So miss wiggly hips, where is your boyfriend tonight?’
    Unable to meet his gaze, I lowered my eyes. His intense stare was making me nervous. My aloof, quirky resolve was rapidly beginning to evade me, leaving me feeling vulnerable and exposed. Forcefully plastering a smile across my face, I was aware that it didn’t quite reach my eyes.
    'You mean the ex fiancé that traded me in for a more surgically enhanced model a few months back?' I said with as light and humorous a tone as I could manage.
    'He left already. So I'm here on my lonesome' I winked at him and took a large gulp of my wine. More so to calm the bitterness that had arisen in my throat, and was threatening to make an ugly appearance.
    Edward' s eyes twinkled in my direction, unnerving me. He could see straight through me, not buying into my blasé comment. I blushed taking another gulp of wine.
    'Oh and whilst miss wiggly hips may have been intended as a compliment, I can’t help visualizing images of a baby elephant, so I would prefer if you called me Lizzie' I tried lightening the tone. 'Or Elizabeth, if you'd prefer to be formal.'
    'Lizzie it is then' he said running his hand up towards his wavy dark hair. Clean, manicured nails. One trait that most men overlooked. Time and again my mother had insisted that clean nails bore an insight to the person. For once I was willing to agree with her.
    He looked down towards his wrist watch, an understated Cartier, his jaw tightening in dismay.
    'Listen Lizzie, I know this is short and sweet but I only popped in for a quick look. I really hadn’t planned on meeting anyone and regrettably I’ve made other plans for this evening.'
    Regrettably? He certainly was a smooth talker. My heart began to dance inside my chest. I couldn’t tell if it was from excitement or disappointment.
    He lowered his voice a little, his eyes shifting in the direction of Mel and the others, aware that they were indiscreetly lending one ear to our conversation.
    'If you'd be willing, I'd very much like to take your number so I can call you sometime to arrange dinner or drinks?'
    His question hung between us and my heart dance sped up by ten paces in my chest.   He was asking for my number. Mr charming but gorgeous was asking for my number.
    Thankfully in my speechless, shell-shocked moment, Mel stepped in, her hand already fishing in her bag for a business card. Edward caught my eye and an unsaid look of acknowledgement, that Mel had overhead, passed between us.
    'I have a spare card here' she finished writing and thrust a brightly coloured card towards Edward. 'Take this, I’ve jotted Lizzie's mobile on the reverse.'
    I smiled gratefully in her direction, amazed at how quickly she had managed to sober herself, discreetly using eye movements to suggest leaving us to speak alone.
    Mel got my hint and turned to walk away, before changing her mind.
    'Oh and I’d just like to point out that not only is Lizzie stunning, but she’s in high demand.' She looked squarely into Edward's eyes. 'Take that as your cue not to delay calling'. With a girly giggle and notably flirtatious
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