Treasured Dreams

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Book: Treasured Dreams Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kendall Talbot
with the knife and a bloody wound opened up on Linchin’s arm. The fat man screamed and backed away, glaring at the red gash.
    Linchin’s incessant high-pitched squeals echoed off the ancient stone walls.
    â€˜Shut up, you fool.’ Nox hissed though clenched teeth.
    But he didn’t. Spittle foamed at the corners of Linchin’s mouth, the white of his eyes blazed and his knuckles bulged as he clutched at the bench he’d backed up to.
    Nox raged with adrenaline as he grabbed the big steel pot off the bench. He crossed the distance between them in a flash, and as he stared into Linchin’s startled eyes, he smashed the pot over Linchin’s head. A handful of the creamy pasta escaped the pot and splattered up the wall.
    Linchin dropped so hard and fast his head hit the stone floor with a loud crack. Nox clenched his jaw and whacked Linchin over the head again.
    Nox backed away, and with the room silent again, he grew conscious of his cat purring.
    He wiped the sweat from his brow. Then he used a spoon to scrape the remains of the pasta from the pot and dished out another feed to share with Shadow.

Chapter Five
    Archer and Jimmy worked quickly, stripping back the damaged curved lounge, reducing the area to its shell. Jimmy attacked the damaged furniture, yanking at any loose bits and pieces with his bare hands.
    For a fifty-year-old, Jimmy had bounced back remarkably well after being shot by Nox. But Archer certainly didn’t need him ruining his recovery by acting out his anger. ‘Calm down, big fella, you’ll hurt yourself.’ Archer rested his hand on the corded muscle running over his mate’s shoulder.
    â€˜You know our treasure is going to end up on the black market somewhere.’ Jimmy tossed a large wooden splinter into the growing pile of rubbish.
    â€˜I know.’
    â€˜That’s our treasure.’ Jimmy’s squared out jaw and steely eyes underscored his rage.
    Archer bit back the temptation to share his anger with Jimmy. It was a pointless waste of energy. ‘We found it. But it doesn’t mean it’s ours.’
    â€˜Bullshit! Don’t give me that crap; you had every intention of laying claim to that treasure.’ Jimmy clenched his jaw, forcing the muscles in his chin to bulge.
    Measured control was nearly impossible. ‘Agreed, but then we were handing it over to Alessandro’s museum for safekeeping.’
    â€˜Right, so you were going to claim it first.’ The tendons in Jimmy’s neck were cables of steel. ‘Like I said. It was our treasure.’
    Archer wiped his brow. Having the treasure stolen from them while they were celebrating his engagement to Rosalina was what hurt the most. It had not only ruined their special night … it meant that Ignatius Montpellier had been listening in to their conversations for some time. There was no other way to explain how he’d known exactly when they would be off the yacht and for how long.
    Although the thieving bastard had burnt to a crisp in that helicopter crash, the precious pieces he’d stolen were never found. That meant someone else had helped him, and that pissed Archer off even more.
    â€˜I hope you’re planning on going after the Awa Maru treasure, boss.’ This was as close as Jimmy would get to pleading. Ever since Jimmy had put his hands on that first piece of gold he’d been hooked on the obsession that’d been in Archer’s veins since he was a little boy.
    â€˜I’ve thought about it.’
    â€˜We still need to be careful.’
    â€˜What for? Nox is dead. Ignatius is dead. It’s just us and that treasure now.’
    â€˜I saw that boat scooting away from Evangeline right before the helicopter crashed. We know Iggy was working with others. We’ve got no idea who stole the treasure or what they know about us.’
    â€˜They don’t know everything. Alessandro only just found out about the
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