Treasure of Khan

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Book: Treasure of Khan Read Online Free PDF
Author: Clive Cussler
while jugs of fermented mare’s milk stood at arm’s length.
    â€œCommander Temur, you have returned from a considerable absence to resume your duty,” the Khan stated in a raspy voice.
    â€œAs the emperor commands,” Temur replied, bowing deeply.
    â€œTell of your voyages, Temur, and the mysterious land on which you were shipwrecked.”
    Carved chairs were brought for Temur and his men to sit, as the Mongol commander described the fierce typhoon that blew his ship away from the Japanese mainland and their subsequent plight adrift at sea. As cups of the alcoholic liquid were passed around, he described their luck at landing on the lush island and being welcomed by the local inhabitants. Introducing Mahu, he told of the old man’s aid in sailing the large double-hulled vessel across the sea before they met up with the Muslim merchant.
    â€œA remarkable journey,” Kublai lauded. “The lands you fell upon, they were rich and fertile?”
    â€œExceedingly. The soil is bountiful, and, with a temperate climate subject to much rainfall, an abundance of wild and cultivated plants flourish there.”
    â€œCongratulations, my emperor,” said a wrinkled man with a long white beard standing at the Khan’s side. The Confucian adviser to the throne was clearly unimpressed with the tale or the audience before him. “You have once again added new lands to the empire.”
    â€œIt is true you have left a garrison behind?” Kublai asked. “The lands are now under Mongol rule?”
    Temur silently cursed the Confucian adviser’s ploy to fabricate glory for the emperor. He knew that the men he left behind had long ago ground their swords for domestic life. Their loyalty to the khan had been a question well before they even shipwrecked.
    â€œYes,” Temur lied. “A small contingent rules the land in your name.” He looked at the old village chief Mahu with shame, but the old man simply nodded back, understanding the politics of the empire.
    Kublai gazed past the men across the room, his eyes seeing an image far beyond the walls of the palace. Temur wondered if the Mongol ruler was intoxicated from the drink.
    â€œI should like to see this wondrous place, this land where the sun first shines on my empire,” Kublai finally whispered dreamily.
    â€œYes, it is a near paradise on earth. As beautiful as any lands under the reign.”
    â€œYou know the route back, Temur?”
    â€œI do not know the ways of navigation at sea, but Mahu can read the sun and the stars. He could find the way back to his home in a stout ship, I believe.”
    â€œYou have served the empire well, Temur. Your loyalty to the empire shall be well rewarded,” Kublai gasped, coughing up a mouthful of liquid that sprayed over his silk tunic.
    â€œThank you, my emperor,” he replied, bowing again. A pair of palace guards suddenly materialized and escorted Temur and his men out of the Khan’s chamber.
    The Mongol commander felt remorse as he left the palace. The great Kublai Khan was but a tired and ancient shell of the old leader who ruled one of the largest empires in world history. Much more than a bloodthirsty conqueror like his grandfather, Kublai had ruled with an enlightenment not seen before. He welcomed traders and explorers from distant lands, imposed laws that fostered religious tolerance, and promoted scientific research into geography, astronomy, and medicine. He was now near death, and the empire couldn’t help but become a less inspired land without his visionary leadership.
    As Temur exited the grand palace grounds, he suddenly noticed than Mahu was not by his side. Oddly, he realized that the old villager had remained behind in the emperor’s chamber. Temur waited for him to emerge, but after several hours gave up and proceeded out of the capital city to his home village and family. He never again saw the old man who had led him home and often
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