Tratado de economía marxista Tomo II

Tratado de economía marxista Tomo II Read Online Free PDF

Book: Tratado de economía marxista Tomo II Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ernest Mandel
Tags: Ciencias sociales
France, Paris, 1951, 126 pp. [La crisis del pensamiento económico , Vergara, Barcelona.]
    DENIS, Henri: Valeur et Capitalisme . Editions Sociales, Paris, 1957, 128 pp.
    DENIS, Henri-LAVIGNE, Marie: Le problème des prix en Union Soviètique . Ed. Cujas, Paris, 1965.
    DENUCE, jan Dr.: «De Beurs van Amwerpeh, Oorsprong en eerste Ontwikkeling», in Antwerpsch Archievblad, Twsede Reeks , 6o. jaargang, 1931, Nr. 2 (April), pp. 8-145. Boekhandel Veritas, Antwerpen.
    USA Department of Commerce: Historial Statistics .
    USA Department of Commerce: Statistical Abstract . De 1952 a 1960.
    USA Department of Agriculture: Change in Technology .
    De ROOVER, Raymond: Banking and Credit in Medieval Bruges , Medieval Academy for America, Cambridge, Mass., 1948, 420 pp.
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    De ROOVER, Raymond: L’Evolution de la Lettre de Change : XlVe-XVIIIe siècle, Armand Colin, Paris. 1953, 240 pp.
    DESAI, A. R., ed.: Rural Society in India . Indian Society of Agricultural Economics. Bombay, 1959, 440 pp.
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    DEUSSEN: Geschichte der Philosophie . F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1920, Band I, 1, 361 pp.; Band I, 2, 402 pp.; Band I, 3, 728 pp.
    DEUTSCHER, Isaac: Soviet Trade-Unions , Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1950, 156 pp.
    DEUTSGHER, Isaac: Stalin, a political biography . Oxford University Press, London, 1949, 600 pp. [Stalin, biografía política . Era, México.]
    DEUTSCHER, Isaac: The Prophet Armed . Oxford University Press, London, 1954, 540 pp. [Trotsky, el profeta armado . Era, México.]
    DEUTSCHER, Isaac: The Prophet Unarmed . Oxford University Press, London, 1959, 490 pp. [ Trotsky, el profeta desarmado . Era, México.]
    DICKINSON, H. D.: Economics of Socialism . London, 1939, Oxford University Press, 262 pp.
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    DIEHL, Charles et MARÇAIS, Georges: Histoire du moyen âge . Torno III: Le Monde Oriental , 2e. edition. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1944, 627 pp.
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    DIJCKMANS, G.: Histoire économique et sociale de l’ancienne Egypte . Auguste Picard, Tome I, Paris, 1936, 305 pp. Tome II, Paris, 1936, 301 pp. Tome III, Paris, 1937, 281 pp.
    DJILAS, Milovan: La nouvelle classe dirigeante . Pion, Paris, 1957, 272 pp. [La nueva clase . EDHASA, Barcelona.]
    DOBB, Maurice: Russian Economic Development since the Revolution . Routledge & Sons, London, 1927, 415 pp.
    DOBB, Maurice: Soviet Planning and Labour in Peace and War . Rowtledge & Sons, London, 1942, 126 pp.
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    DOBB, Maurice: «A note on the discussion of the problem of choice between alternative investment projects», in Soviet Studies , vol. II, pp. 289-295.
    DOBB, Maurice: On Economic Theory and Socialism . Collected Paper. Routledge et Kegan Paul, London, 293 pp.
    DOBB, Maurice: Economic Growth and Underdeveloped Countries .
    DOBB, Maurice: Wages . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1947, 222 pp. [Salarios . Fondo de Cultura Económica, México.]
    DOLLINGER, Philippe: L’Évolution des classes rurales en Bavière . Société d’édition Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 1949, 530 pp.
    DOMAR, Evsey D.: Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth . Oxford University Press, New York, 1957, 272 pp.
    DOORÍNG, Folke: «Les recensements agricoles français», in Bulletin Mensuel de Statistique (France) , Supplément avril-juin 1955, pp. 70-74.
    DOREN, Alfred: Italienische Wirtschaftsgeschichte . G. Fischer Verlag, Jena, 1934.
    DORFMAN, Joseph: The Economic Mind in American Civilization , The Viking
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