Tome of Bill (Companion): Shining Fury
Guard or the police, they’ll know help is there. I hate to break it to you, but if I saw a bunch of guys with swords and red capes walking down the street, I’d think the ren faire was in town.”
    After a few moments, during which our radio began to chirp – the other cars in our convoy were no doubt noticing our proximity to Boston – we compromised. The Templar’s cloaks would go into backpacks, bags, or wherever else they could be stuffed. They could don them once we were within a mile of our target. Albeit, if we made it that far without being noticed, it would be a minor miracle.
    Regardless, by that point, the kid gloves would come off. The primary goal of our group was to distract Vehron’s forces from noticing Bill’s approach, but it wasn’t my goal. I was here to push through to the complex itself. Inside awaited the vampire I was destined to face ... the Freewill, the legendary Night Spawn. It was prophesized that If I lost, humanity would drown in darkness. I wasn’t sure I wanted to believe that, but I had no intention of losing – if not for me, then for the friends who would be facing him alongside me, for my mom, and for everyone else who stood helpless in the path of supernatural forces they couldn’t hope to defeat.
    For him.
    I shook my head and stepped from the passenger side door. I so didn’t need those thoughts mucking with my head.
    We’d stopped in the parking lot of a darkened ShopRite. There were other cars about, although whether parked or abandoned, I had no way of knowing. Aside from the distant sound of engines as the rest of our convoy found parking in the surrounding blocks, it was very quiet.
    I didn’t know if that was a good thing or not, but if I’d been a betting girl I know where I’d have put my money.

    “Lock and load,” Kelly said with a grin, popping the back hatch of the SUV.
    Though hers was the only voice speaking in that moment, I sensed something else calling to me as I rounded the vehicle. It was with some restraint that I kept myself from shoving the witch to the side and throwing off the blankets that covered our weapons.
    Though my power worked just fine on its own, I somehow felt more complete with my sword in hand. Ever since the Templar had first presented it to me, I’d sensed the connection. To them, it was a holy relic in stature, but that was it ... a symbol of the divine power they believed in. One might believe a splinter was a piece of Noah’s Ark, but functionally, it was still just a hunk of wood. For me, though, it was different.
    The sword felt almost alive.
    I kept myself in check as Bernadette donned chainmail armor, putting a jacket on over it for now. Her red cloak went into a carryon by her side. Also into the bag went a dagger, a loaded handgun, and a couple of extra magazines of ammunition. A gleaming metal cross hung from her neck, not quite as inconspicuous as I’d have preferred, but workable. From a distance, she would look like a normal unassuming older lady perhaps out for a walk with her nieces.
    Some of the other Templar had swords or rifles. They’d need to be a bit more careful in the concealment of those. We ran the risk of tipping off our enemies if seen too soon. However, we also didn’t have much in the way of advance intelligence for the city in its current state. It was still within the realm of possibility to run afoul of the police. The last thing any of us needed was to be arrested on domestic terrorism charges.
    Ultimately, I had to trust my companions all realized this, too. I reminded myself that the Templar were an ancient order of highly trained warriors. This wasn’t their first rodeo. Speaking of which...
    “Jeez. Tone it down, Annie Oakley,” Kelly said to Meg, who was busy loading a double-barreled shotgun. My breath caught as she momentarily swung the business end past me, but thankfully nobody seemed to notice.
    “My father gave me this gun. I took down a black bear with it once.
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