feel his body responding to the soft woman’s flesh molded against him.
Chad groaned as he tried to turn his lustful thoughts to something less dangerous. It didn’t work The woman in his arms was still there, still snuggled against him, making him hard as stone, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Except leave. And he’d do that as soon as he found someone to care for Sarah and her boy. Chad wanted no responsibilities, no commitments, no entanglements. He had left Dry Gulch and a prosperous ranch to escape obligations he couldn’t handle.
During the night Sarah’s fever broke and Chad left her bed. He knew she wouldn’t appreciate waking up and finding him beside her, no matter what his excuse. He still hadn’t decided whether Sarah Temple was a laundress or a whore and he told himself he didn’t care. All he wanted was out of here.
Chad was up and dressed when Sarah awoke. She appeared startled to find him in her bedroom. “I thought you’d be gone by now.”
“I’m fixing to leave soon. How do you feel?”
“Better. I just need to get these bandages off.”
“That won’t be for a while. Are you hungry? I’ll fix something for you and the boy to eat before I leave.”
Sarah refused to look at him, recalling how he had stripped her bare last night before slipping her nightgown over her head. “There’s very little food in the house. I was going to the store as soon as Mrs. Kilmer paid me for doing her laundry. The laundry! I have to get up and finish it”
She tried unsuccessfully to get out of bed, crying out in pain when she put pressure on her arms. She was utterly helpless and she didn’t like the feeling. She had depended on herself too many years to let this injury stop her from taking care of herself and Abner.
“You won’t be doing anyone’s laundry for a long time,” Chad said. “Mrs. Kilmer took her dirty clothes back home yesterday and all I can say is good riddance. What a vicious woman.”
Sarah groaned in dismay. “That woman is my bread and butter. I hope you didn’t offend her.”
Chad shrugged, recalling the heated exchange between him and Mrs. Kilmer. “Forget the woman. You probably don’t remember that I bought groceries yesterday after I called on your parents. I know how to cook oats, would you like some?”
All vestiges of color drained from Sarah’s face. “You went to see my parents? Whatever for? How did you know about them?”
“Doc Clayter told me who your parents were and where to find them.”
“How dare you interfere in my life!”
“Look, lady, I could have just ridden out of town and left you and Abner to fend for yourselves but I thought your parents should know about your accident. Someone has to take care of you and the boy.”
“It won’t be my parents, as I’m sure you found out. They disowned me years ago.”
Chad searched her face, wondering how she could speak about it so calmly. “So they told me. I never met a more self-righteous pair of fanatics in my life. What happened?”
“It’s a long story. One I’m sure you found out. They disowned me years ago.”
Chad searched her face, wondering how she could speak about it so calmly. “So they told me. I never met a more self-righteous pair of fanatics in my life. What happened?”
“It’s a long story. One I’m sure won’t interest you since you’ll be leaving soon. Goodbye, Mr. Delaney.”
Ungrateful wretch, Chad thought but did not say. What would she have done had he left? “I’ll be more than happy to turn this job over to someone else. I’m not any good in the sick room. I’ll fix something for you and Abner to eat, then I’ll be leaving for awhile.” He turned toward the door.
“Wait!” Sarah said. She hated to ask Chad Delaney for anything but this matter was most pressing. “Could you please help me get out of bed before you leave? There is something I… need to do.”
Chad started to refuse but the pained look on her face changed his