To Sin With A Stranger

To Sin With A Stranger Read Online Free PDF

Book: To Sin With A Stranger Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathryn Caskie
Tags: Romance, Historical, Adult, Regency
perfect. The men were giants, at least a foot taller than any other gentlemen in the assembly room. Like those of the fighter himself, their muscles were pronounced beneath their dark blue coats, protruding like great river stones embedded in a shallow creek.
    She sucked a deep breath into her lungs. My word, where had these huge, beautiful creatures come from? The tickle that had lodged in her throat moments ago suddenly plummeted into her chest and then expelled itself in a hail of coughs that drew the attention of several members of the ton standing nearby. Unfortunately, it also brought her to
    One corner of the fighter’s lips lifted in a cocky grin, and he tipped his head toward her.
Lord above, he’s recognized me. Perfect. Just what I need this night.
    Isobel straightened her back and cast her eyes to the floor, as though to confirm that nothing had spilled from her reticule.
    In the periphery of her vision, she saw that he and his party of gods and goddesses had been greeted by Lord and Lady Carsden.
    “Father, my—my head pains me. May we adjourn for the evening?” Isobel wrapped her hands around her father’s arm, hoping to charm him into sharing her thinking, the way she’d been able to do before their lives had changed forever…when her parents learned her brother had been killed at Corunna.
    Sir Rupert chuckled. “Miss Isobel, if you were to leave, how will I ever convince my Christiana to stay?”
    “Christiana?” Isobel’s gaze swept the assembly room until she saw her dear friend leaving the dance floor, and a handsome young buck in her wake.
    “Ah, here she comes now.” Sir Rupert nodded his head toward her. “Are you sure, Miss Isobel, I can’t persuade you to stay a moment longer?”
    Isobel didn’t know what to say. The brute could approach at any moment. “I—I…”
    Her father cleared his throat. “I think she is quite right in wishing to leave. The company tonight is not what it once was.”
    Sir Rupert shook his head. “Carington, that is where you and I disagree. For you see, the fighter, that young man, will be a duke.”
    “A d-duke?” Her father could not seem to form additional words. His lips moved and his cheeks bounced, but he said nothing.
    “The bruiser, as you put it, is Sterling Sinclair, Marquess of Blackburn. Can you not see the enormous diamond on his ring?”
    “I can, what of it?” Carington asked sourly.
    “It is the Sinclair diamond. Come now, have you truly not heard tale of it? It is presented by the duke to his heir apparent on the day he reaches his majority.” Sir Rupert chuckled. “You do spend too many hours in the House of Commons, don’t you, Carington? Ought to reward yourself with a few more social gatherings, like your Isobel.”
    Isobel smiled politely. She had heard of the Sinclair diamond, but never in her wildest imaginings had she guessed
was the heir everyone gossiped about of late.
    Miss Christiana Whitebeard skipped the last few steps that stood between her and Isobel. “There you are. Where have you been hiding? On the dance floor, making some poor soul fall in love with you? Oh, do tell me it is so…for once.”
    Isobel’s cheeks heated. “No, nothing so grand, I fear. Father and I were about to leave.”
    “No, no, you can’t. The Sinclairs are here!” Christiana caught Isobel’s arm and without a thought, pulled her away from her father. “Haven’t you heard?”
    “I have no interest in these…Sinclairs.” Without meaning to, Isobel frowned at Christiana.
    “Not interested in the Sinclairs? Why, you must be mad. Just
at them!”
    Isobel let her gaze flit to the doorway once more. He was still looking at her. Heat surged through her body. She tore her gaze away. “What about them?”
    “Have you ever seen such an amazingly handsome family?” Christiana gave an exaggerated sigh. “I haven’t.”
    Isobel extricated her arms from Christiana’s. “They may be beautiful, but I know for certain
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