order. Clearly, she’d assumed Lacy would order a salad instead of the yummy plate of fried goodness.
Damn, she was ready for that burger.
“And for you, Mr. Wolfe?” Tracy asked.
“I’ll do the same, thank you.” The young girl darted off to the kitchen, and Ethan turned back. “Well, it’s good to see you have a hearty appetite.”
“I have a love-love relationship with food that is bound to catch up with me in a few years, but I’ll enjoy it while I can. I’ve always had a higher metabolism than most people, so I am forced to eat more often, though not big meals, or else my sugar drops quickly. It was a real pain in school. With all this extra energy, I used to get into trouble a lot.” Lacy was used to people being surprised at her diet. Most women half-starved themselves to get a figure like hers, but she was able to maintain her shape with ease. She wasn’t model skinny by today’s standards in the least, but her curves were proportionate to her height and body style. At least, that’s what the other models kept telling her anyway, not that it would get her to change how she ate.
“Has that always been a problem? Your low blood sugar, I mean.”
“Only if I forget to eat. They had us so busy this morning that I didn’t even think about it until I felt it dropping.” Lacy shook her head in self-disgust. “I haven’t had an episode that bad in a long time.”
“You should keep some of those tablets on you like Allie had. I’d hate to think what would have happened if you’d been alone when that occurred.”
“Me, too.” It was actually one of her major fears.
Their food arrived, and Lacy inhaled the delicious aroma of grilled beef, bacon and fries. If it tasted half as good as it smelled, then she would be a loyal customer during her stay.
The thick, juicy patty she bit into didn’t taste as good as it smelled though. It was so much better. Everything tasted so fresh!
“This is absolutely amazing,” she groaned around a mouthful of bliss.
“Told you they had the best burgers.
“I’ll never doubt you again.”
Chapter Five
Ethan hoped like hell Lacy held to that promise because he was positive she was hiding something. There wasn’t much for him to go on, but he knew there was a secret there.
Perhaps she had a man back home? His wolf snarled in his head, refusing to accept the possibility.
Maybe, she preferred women. No, he’d scented her arousal just hours before, so she was one hundred percent straight.
A virgin then? Surely not in this day and age.
Regardless of what she hid, Ethan was certain he could figure it out. He loved a good puzzle, too.
They were nearly done eating when his cell began to buzz in his belt clip. “It’s my brother,” he explained. “Yeah, Adam, what’s going on?”
“Listen, man, you’re not going to believe this, but someone let bees loose in the men’s tent.” Adam paused. “It’s pretty bad. One of the guys is allergic, and he was stung so many times they’re still counting.”
“How is he?”
“Well, he’s a little groggy. Luckily, he had one of those epi-pen things, so that helped a little. The guy’s blown up like a blimp though, swelling all over, and he’s still wheezing. It’s kinda freaking me out. I mean, what are we supposed to do when his throat closes? I’m not a damn nurse man, and Stephanie isn’t here yet!”
“Just stay calm and try to keep him as comfortable as possible,” Ethan instructed, knowing Lacy was listening in at his side and he needed to be careful not to say anything that may frighten her.
“He’s seizing now, Ethan. It’s like the poor bastard is a fish flopping on dry land, and his eyes are rolled so far back in his head I can’t see anything but white. I don’t know what sort of sick fuck would do this, but I sure as shit don’t want to meet them.”
“No kidding. Listen, we’re at the diner, so it’ll take us about twenty minutes or so to get back there. Is
Debbie Gould, L.J. Garland