To Picture The Past

To Picture The Past Read Online Free PDF

Book: To Picture The Past Read Online Free PDF
Author: Paige Mallory
families take a liking to you and bring you food, or you are able to tend a small garden in addition to your duties. Your home is one room behind the school, and you would have to make sure that firewood was chopped each day. Hard work for a small female your size."
    "I'm not a weakling," I argued, but had to admit that I was a bit disillusioned at the idea of living in poverty in order to teach school. I was sure that not all schools were like that. I would just have to find one of those in a large city somewhere. But where was I? And what year was it? 
    "Robert, you still haven't told me the date… or where I am…?" I asked.
    "This is March 16, 1870, and you are in Milbourne, Missouri," he answered.
    "Yes," I agreed, nodding. "You are close to St. Joseph. It is a few years after the Civil War, and people are heading west by wagon train to live in California and Oregon, and places in between, in spite of the plains Indians."
    "This is true." Robert agreed with me. "And that is why you and Nellie are not to venture away from here alone. It simply isn't safe. Too many drifters coming here to catch a wagon train. When you have good people trying to make a new life, you are going to have others who want to fleece them and take advantage. At first Nellie and I thought that is what had happened to you."
    "I want you to know how much I appreciate your kindness, Robert. You and Nellie have been wonderful to me." Nellie chose that moment to tap on the door and walk inside.
    "Robert, Doc told you not to tire Miss Gillian, and you have been in here for hours now!"
    "Are you scolding me, little sister?" Robert asked with a smile on his handsome face.
    "Why, yes I am!" she replied, and then shook a finger at him in a playful manner.
    "Nellie, Gillian and I have been discussing a serious matter. I have asked her to marry me so that I can offer her my protection."
    "Robert, I won't permit you to make a sacrifice of this sort," I stated, shocked to learn that he was still considering his foolish idea of marriage. "I am hardly helpless."
    "Nellie, what I am going to share with you now is confidential and must never be spoken of with anyone else, and that includes your David. Do you agree? Or must I treat you like a child and withhold the truth?"
    "This sounds very serious, Robert," Nellie answered, frowning.
    "It is serious. I am sure you will understand once I explain, but first, I must have your promise. This matter must not be spoken of again."
    "Very well," Nellie agreed, giving me a sympathetic look. "Are you hiding from someone who wishes you ill, Gillian?" she asked, her concern reflected in her eyes. "You need not worry if that is the case. Robert and I will keep you safe. We certainly wouldn't permit anyone to hurt you."
    "Oh, I know that, Nellie. Both you and Robert have been so kind to me. I don't feel, however, that Robert needs to go so far as to marry me!"
    "But, Gillian, you are so beautiful. Why wouldn't my brother wish to marry you? At least you are open and honest and you aren't resorting to deceit like someone I could mention…" Nellie gave her brother a meaningful look.
    "You are somewhat biased, little sister." Robert smiled indulgently.
    "With good reason," she agreed. "So, then, I am ready to listen to whatever it is that I cannot share with my fiancé…"

Chapter Four
    The last reaction that Robert expected of his sister was for her to sit there and giggle, but that is precisely what she did. "I do not find this situation amusing in the least," he finally stated, thoroughly insulted.
    "That is because you are a man, brother, and everything is always black and white to you."
    "I don't know what you mean by that."
    "Robert, I am sure that you see nothing at all wrong in wanting to protect Gillian, and I am sure she is grateful, but, dear brother, no woman wishes to feel she is being asked to wed out of a sense of duty. Gillian is a woman, and she needs to know that the man she plans to marry
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