To Catch a Wolf

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Book: To Catch a Wolf Read Online Free PDF
Author: Susan Krinard
pitching his
    voice in mockery.

    "I know there is.”

    "There is no reason for anything that happens.”

    "You really believe that, don't you?" She shook her head. "Whatever you are, wherever
    you came from, I think there is some honor in you, or you would already be gone. That's
    why you are going to help us.”

    He met her gaze, and she took one step back. "You play a dangerous game.”

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    "You don't frighten me. I've seen too much.”

    She was a little afraid, but she hid it well. He felt the first stirrings of grudging respect, as
    he had felt fear of bonds that had nothing to do with prison walls.

    "I have nothing to give you," he said harshly.

    "But you do. You have something very valuable. We make our living by showing people
    things they've never seen before. And you are something very few people have seen.”

    "You want me to
    go on display?" The idea was so absurd that it erased both doubt
    and fear. He turned to go.

    Her hand caught at him. His first impulse was to remove it by the swiftest means
    possible, regardless of the damage to her. He held himself rigid instead, and growled.

    "I can't let you go. Not until you promise to meet the people who helped you.”

    Morgan recognized the trap, and that he must pay a price to escape it. He gave the girl
    a terse nod. The language of her body told him that she had not been sure he would
    agree and knew full well that she could not stop him. She ducked into the tent and
    reemerged with his blanket.

    "Put this on," she said, "and come with me.”

    He took the blanket and draped it over his shoulders. Caitlin marched across the camp
    toward the nearest tent. People called out greetings in the twilight, voices warm with
    friendship. Morgan hunched into his blanket and deafened himself to Caitlin's cheery
    responses. They were not his friends, and neither was she.

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    They reached a tent as shabby and patched as the others, and Caitlin lifted the flap.
    "Go on inside," she said.

    He hesitated. Three distinct and familiar human scents permeated the air. This was yet
    another trap, another way to hold him.

    "Don't worry," Caitlin said. "You could break Ulysses in two if you wanted, and Florizel is
    harmless. As for Tamar—" She shrugged.

    Morgan tried to lay back ears that remained stubbornly fixed in place and entered the

    Two men sat at a pair of folding chairs on either side of a small table, intent on a game
    of cards. One of them was of average size, but his skin was pale as the moon, and his
    hair the same ghostly hue.

    The other was the height of a child, legs dangling well above the ground. He was
    dressed impeccably in proportioned trousers, vest, and coat, all made of what Morgan
    guessed to be expensive cloth. His boots shone with recent polishing. His features were
    handsome, his thick yellow hair the sort that any dandy might envy. But nature had
    shaped his body into a parody of a normal man's.

    Behind them stood a woman of overwhelming sensuality, lushly curved and with skin
    that shimmered as if imbedded with a hundred tiny gemstones. Her thick black hair fell
    almost to her waist. A pair of snakes wound about her shoulders and upper arms,
    tongues darting.

    The serpent woman stared at Morgan with dark, glittering eyes. At the table, the albino
    threw down his hand of cards with a breath of disgust.

    "Don't even attempt to deny it, Wakefield. You let me win again.”
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    The little man lifted his brows. "You need not play if you find it unpleasant," he said in a
    smooth Southern drawl. "I do apologize if I have offended.”

    The albino snorted and looked toward Morgan. Wakefield followed his glance.

    "Ah," he said. "I see that our patient has recovered." He slid down from his chair. Caitlin
    went to his side, her slight form towering above
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