we get home, young l ady . You know better than to talk back to me or call me names, Cassandra, especially in front of people. It’s disrespectful and we are raising you to mind your manners. I’m very dis appointed in you. ”
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry,” Cassie sighed.
“You will be this time. Both Daddy Bryon and I have warned you many times about curbing your tongue. I believe this is the third offense. You know what that means.”
Kristina watched the couple from the counter. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she could tell by the look on their faces that the girl was being scolded for something. She wondered what it would feel like to be in Cassie’s position and have men like Bryon and Rob always there for her, even just to scold when she misbehaved.
These thoughts intensified when Rob paid the bill and looked at her sternly. “I strongly suggest that you budget your time a little better and get some rest, young lady. If you fall asleep behind the wheel, I know Bry will be very upset. He’s very fond of you and he’s not the type of man you want to make worry. Once you are on his friend list, he becomes very protective. As do I.”
Kristina nodded dumbly; speechless from the raw dominance that Rob exuded. He touched his finger under her chin to lift her eyes and look at her closely. He had the s ame manner as Bryon. Rob silently r aised an eyebrow, touched her nose with his fingertip, and then left holding Cassie firmly by the hand. Kristina stood paralyzed until her boss snapped her out of her reverie.
“Table 7 needs more coffee, Kris.”
“I’m right on it, Mr. Dade.”
* * *
“We met your young lady today, Bry.” Rob said, sitting on his bed as he talked on the phone. He watched as Cassie stood, sniffing, in the corner. Her jeans were down and bottom bright red with the outline of his paddle clearly visible on the lower portion of her heart-shaped backside .
“Denny’s. The poor kid looked like the walking dead. She was up all night writing. By the way, your little girl just got herself another spanking. This time she decided to mouth off at me. In public, none the less!”
“Again? I’ll reinforce her manners when I get home. Doesn’t she know she always gets double when she breaks the rules?”
“She hasn’t seemed to learn that yet.” Rob sighed, le aning back and rubbing his neck.
“That child…. Anyway, what did you think about Kris?”
“She is absolutely adorable. She has the vibe, you know. I gave her my ‘game face’ as I cautioned her about her safety and against worrying you, and I thought she was going to crumble right then and there.”
“Yeah, I caught it right away too. Did Cass like her?”
“She seemed to, but then, she was more worried about her bottom after she smarted off,” Rob chuckled, again eyeing the girl in the corner, “Don’t you even think of it, missy!” he barked as he saw her hand timidly reach back to rub her backside.
Bryon snickered. “Suzanne is one manipulative little stinker. She pulled that girl into her web before she even knew what happened.”
“She is a smart one. How’s Glenn?”
“Apparently, she’s keeping him very sore… both front and back sides,” Bryon chortled. “Let’s have them over tomorrow. She needs some kid time with both of them. Her daughter hangs around the house too much.”
“Sounds like a plan. Are you on your way home?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in an hour or so. Just gotta finish these papers. Do you need me to pick up anything?”
“Yeah, m aybe some Vicks. I think we need some prolonged reinforcement.” Rob grumbled, again eyeing Cassie’s bottom.
“Nooooooo!” she whined loud enough for Bryon to hear her in the background.
“Please keep her in that corner until I come home, and let her know Daddy will be taking his belt off this time.”
“Shall do. Be careful driving, bro. It looks like we’re in for