'Til Death - Part 2

'Til Death - Part 2 Read Online Free PDF

Book: 'Til Death - Part 2 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bella Jewel
suffering, and he’s been living as if nothing ever fucked up in his world.
    “I don’t,” she whispers, and I see her hand heading towards the panic button.
    “I’m Katia Tandem.”
    She flinches.
    “His wife?” she squeaks.
    So he’s spoken of me.
    “Yes, his wife. Now, I’ll ask you again. Where is he?”
    She rattles off an address. I nod sharply and turn, rushing back out. Rage is consuming me, my hands are shaking, and my entire body feels numb—even my skull is tingling with fury. Marcus Tandem destroyed my life. Destroyed it. Now he’s enjoying his.
    Not anymore.
    My determination is renewed.
    I arrive at the benefit in record time. I’m not thinking. I feel nothing—nothing but pure, unadulterated wrath. There are people everywhere when my shaking legs get me out of the car. All of the partygoers are dressed to perfection, long dresses and tuxedos. All of them happy. All of them smiling. None of them struggling.
    None of them understand pain or agony.
    They have everything.
    With my legs still trembling, I walk towards the group of people, my eyes scanning the crowd for one person and one person only. I shove through people, most of them giving me a horrified look. It’s not surprising. My dark hair is tied atop my head in a messy bun, I’m wearing jeans, a tank, and a pair of Converse that are old and worn.
    “Are you lost, Miss?”
    I turn to see an older man in a suit. He looks friendly enough. I open my mouth to speak, to answer him, but my words become strangled in my throat. Everything in my world comes to a screeching halt when my eyes fall on him . My husband. The man beside me is speaking, but I hear nothing. The people flitter around me, but they no longer exist.
    Only he does.
    He’s standing at the end of a red carpet, his arm draped around a gorgeous blond woman. He’s smiling for a camera. A fucking camera. He hasn’t changed a bit. He’s still as devastatingly gorgeous as he was the day I left. The only difference is his hair is slightly longer, a little messier. He’s wearing a black suit, with a dark blue tie.
    I wonder what happened to the red one?
    Anger swirls with heartbreak, making my entire body go numb. Seeing him with a woman is tearing my heart into tiny pieces. I don’t want him. I hate him, but he’s not meant to be happy. He’s not meant to be living as though I never existed. A tear escapes and flows down my cheek and I struggle to keep from turning into a sobbing, crazy mess.
    It burns.
    It’s like a fire ripping through my soul.
    I blink the tears back. I want to reach into my chest and rip my own heart out. Not even that could hurt more. How can he just stand there as if his world was never crushed into a thousand pieces? That man is the father of my child. He’s her God damned father . I take a step back. I can’t do this. I can’t. It’s too much.
    I go to turn when his voice whips through the crowd, turning my legs to jelly. I close my eyes. Please don’t let it be my name he just called .
    It was my name.
    I turn back slowly and his eyes are on mine, deep brown depths I’d thought I loved once. Now, now they just remind me of the precious eyes I look into every day. The only thing he gave me. The only gift I walked away with.
    I take another shaky step back, and his arm drops from the woman it was wrapped around. His hands are shaking and he begins striding towards me, his face unreadable.
    That’s when I turn and run.
    I’m not ready after all.
    M y feet pound over the pavement. I’m moving as quickly as I can, running until my lungs scream. I reach Candy’s car just as his fingers curl around my upper arm. A jolt of something runs through me—what it is, I don’t know. I don’t know because I spin around and I slap him so hard my hand instantly burns. With a ragged cry, I grip my fingers.
    His voice. God, I loved that voice once. I open my tear-soaked eyes and stare at the man who
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