not in the life you've chosen to lead.”
“What happened with Coppell?”
“I wasn't there so I don't know. I do know there was no way anyone could get into that house if he didn't want them in.”
“He knew the killer then? And just let them in?”
“I have no doubt," Mitch nodded. "Your turn. Why did you kill Masseria? And don't tell me it's because he copped a plea.”
“That's not enough?”
“To off someone? Sure. To personally shoot him in the head and then dispose of his pregnant wife? I think not.”
“What makes you think that's what happened?”
“Because your crew can't be trusted.”
Jimmie nodded, moving several paces away to lean against the railing. His voice was soft, requiring Mitch to move closer in order to hear.
“They were going to kill Ashli. Ashli for their freedom. Had the wife take Ashli out for a day of shopping or something in LA. Ashli had no idea she was in danger. If I didn't agree, she never would have made it home. He'd been with me for three years. Three years and the sonuvabitch was threatening my baby sister.”
Mitch could feel the anger rising from Jimmie and he couldn't blame him. Copping a plea was business but bringing his sister into the deal? That went against every rule of la familia he'd ever known. “Who all knows?”
“You.” Jimmie glanced his direction then shook his head. “And have no doubt I'll-”
Mitch put a hand up to stop him. “Threatening me isn't necessary. Financial freedom also means my allegiance is my own. Spreading your secrets through la familia would offer me no benefit. And, for the record? I would've done the same thing.”
Mitch accepted the bottle of beer gratefully, popping it open and washing down a mouthful of pizza. He glanced at the label - Birra del Sole, bottled only in Sicily and not available for export. “How'd you get the Birra past customs? I thought your guy got pinched last month.”
Sonny chuckled as he flipped through the television channels. “Had another guy in within 48 hours. I've got a business to keep stocked, remember?”
Mitch raised his eyes to the television as it settled on CNN, watching but not comprehending the news ticker running along the bottom of the screen. Flashes of war torn areas and even a picture of Coppell moved across the screen. A picture of him, a mug shot, stilled on the screen, his silk tie glowing under the harsh flash from the precinct's cheap camera. Had it really been a week since he got released? Briefly, he wondered if the world had ended while he was otherwise engaged but then thought better of it. He'd rather just not know. Gray pause lines wrinkled across his image, causing him to take another swig of his beer.
“Not bad. Most guys get yanked out of bed and look like death in their mug shot. You dress for the occasion.”
“Fuck you, Sonny. Is that just now airing?”
“It's been on the local news most of the week. Just hit international last night when there was a problem getting his body through customs for burial.”
Mitch sighed. So that's why Coppell's sister had been calling him all night. He'd ignored her calls. Knowing the cause, he felt a tad guilty. “They get it sorted?”
“Yeah, I think so. Had to have the remains cremated, I think. You talked to Palmese?”
“Not since I got released, no.”
“He doesn't know you're meeting with Vinetti?”
He glanced to the screen, his image still unmoving. Unwilling to hear the lecture he knew would follow about not keeping Gino Palmese in the loop, he shook his head but quickly changed the subject.
“Do you know who killed him?”
“Coppell?” Sonny shrugged. “A dozen people are claiming it. He wasn't known for making friends. But none I'd believe have the balls to do it. Everyone assumed they'd hit you at the same time. I've had my men just start spreading the word you're alive. Got damn tired of playing your answering service.”
“You the
Aiden James, Lisa Collicutt