contagious laughter floated through the partially open window. Deciding to take a trip down to the Craft Shack for a dose of Annie’s cheerful optimism she phoned over to Tess, who was more than happy to watch Jessica.
Opening the kitchen window a little wider, she called, “Jess, I'm running out to do a couple of errands. You can stay with Aunty Tess, okay?”
“Mom, can’t I stay with N ick? I'll be good,” she yelled, shyly grasping Nick’s large hand, and gazing up at him with a severe case of hero worship.
Nick’s gaze speared Sara’s through the glass, some complicated expression chasing across his face before he dropped down to Jessica’s height. His deep tones easily carried across the small ya rd. “Actually squirt, I’ve gotta run and pick up a couple of things myself, maybe you should go to Tess’s for now.”
“Aw , Nick, I wanted to stay with you,” Jessica whined.
“ Well, maybe if you behave yourself I might bring you back a little something, how’s that sound?”
“Okay , I guess.” Her bottom lip just about dragged in the dust as she moped while gathering up a couple of toys. It soon turned to delighted shrieks however when Nick lifted her into the air and helicoptered her a couple of times before setting her lightly over the fence into Tess’s backyard who’d come to the door to see what the fuss was about. Waving, she ushered Jessica into the house, no doubt for another baking marathon, and round of afternoon soaps.
Nick’s lower abs, exposed in the lift, had stopped Sara’s breath. Then he turned and caught her staring. Blushing hotly, she backed away from the window and grabbed up her purse and keys.
She was acting like a teenager with her first crush for crying out loud. She’d known he had a muscular build—but—Wow.
Embarrassment had her h urrying out the front door, intent on getting to her car before Nick decided maybe they should ride together. She’d just gotten the key in the ignition when he came striding around the corner of the house.
Opening the passenger door, he asked, “Hey, can I catch a lift?” and slid into the seat, slamming the door shut behind him before she could reply.
“Cripes, you call this thing a car? There's more room in a tin can,” he grumbled, jamming the seat back as far as it would go and his head still brushed the roof. With shoulders jammed against the window and his knees bent at an awkward angle, he looked like a pretzel. “How safe is this contraption anyway?”
Sara couldn’t help it, she snickered at his predicament. “Beggars can’t be choosers, and besides…you shouldn't cast stones on poor Mirabelle. You'll hurt her feelings.”
“You named your car? Why am I not surprised?” he grunted, trying without much success to shift to a more comfortable position. “Look, my truck’s in the shop and I figured since you were going anyway?”
D eciding to let him off the hook—the poor man looked like he was in enough pain—she relented. “Okay, you can come, but no more nit-picking remarks about my girl here, she’s sensitive.” Patting the cracked vinyl dash, she peeked at him as he fought to reach his seatbelt, when had her car become so small?
H is big body crammed in this close had her nerves springing around like Mexican jumping beans. There were laws about distractions while driving, weren’t there? The thought of him among all the sewing do-dads in Annie’s store was enough to threaten the eruption of a mile-wide smile. “Are you sure you want to come with me? I’m going to be a while. I need to stop at the post office to check on a parcel first, and then I’m meeting my friend over at the Craft Shack, you won’t like it.”
A light, summery fragrance filled her little car, teasing him with the scent of her. She wore some kind of summer dress that left way too much skin showing for his peace of mind. He itched to touch her right where it ended, halfway up her mouth-watering thighs. Thin