Tickle His Fancy: Trident Security Book 6 (Trident Security Series)

Tickle His Fancy: Trident Security Book 6 (Trident Security Series) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Tickle His Fancy: Trident Security Book 6 (Trident Security Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samantha A. Cole
the man his membership
card. The only people in the entire club who didn’t have to have their cards
swiped before entering the pit were the three owners since they had written the
    After getting his card back, he descended the stairs to find
out what fun there was to be had for the evening. He was sure no matter what he
found, it was bound to be entertaining.

Chapter 3
    Whistling loudly, Brody drove toward his destination with the
anticipation of seeing her again strumming through his veins. Her being Fancy. She would have arrived at the shop ten minutes ago at 5:00 a.m. on
the dot. Through her talkative employee Jamie—the cute blonde—he’d learned a
few things about the bakery owner, but not enough to satisfy his curiosity.
While he could easily find out anything he wanted via the internet, for some
reason he’d held off doing a background check on her past. He wanted to hear it
from her instead.
    He wasn’t sure what it was about the sexy baker, but she
hadn’t been far from his thoughts since he’d met her two weeks ago. Although
seeing her practically every morning when he stopped in to get pastries for the
office probably had something to do with it. Add in the fact his usual flair
for seducing a woman was falling flat at her feet, he was craving Ms. Fancy
Maguire like mad. But she seemed immune to his flirting and charm, so he was
trying to think of a new way to get past her barriers.
    It wasn’t that she didn’t appear to be interested in him, it
just seemed she was a little more standoffish than the women he was generally
attracted to, and for some reason that made her more appealing. Sometimes
things were better the more one had to work for them, and he had a feeling
Fancy was worth the effort—at least, he hoped so. Each time he saw her, she
seemed a little more at ease with him, but when it came to his subtle, probing
questions, she would clam up or suddenly need to do something in the kitchen.
    Usually, his seduction of a woman lasted only a day or two,
if that, before she fell into bed with him, or, as in the past, with him and Marco, who had been his best friend since boot camp. His buddy had introduced
him to the pleasures of sharing a woman when they’d visited an underground BDSM
club in Paris while on a joint training mission there between the U.S. and
French militaries. From then on, they’d participated in many ménages together.
The only thing which had taken some getting used to was the occasional,
unintentional contact between them while pleasuring a woman, since they were
both straight as arrows. Now, he didn’t even notice it most of the time.
    Since Marco and Harper had permanently hooked up, Brody had
been an occasional third with them, once every four to six weeks or so. The
only other ménages he’d been involved with in the past seven months had been
with Carter, when the U.S. government spy had been in town, and once with Mitch
and Cassandra for the cute waitress’s birthday.
    While he enjoyed ménages—it was a great way to please a
woman—he didn’t necessarily need them like some people did. He could take them
or leave them. As long as the woman he was with was completely sated by the end
of the night, along with himself, then all was good.
    Making a left into the parking lot of the bakery, he was
surprised to see a police car and the Tampa PD Bomb Unit’s truck. The sun
wasn’t up yet, but it was light enough to see one uniformed officer was
standing on the sidewalk with Fancy and Sal, staring at the store’s shattered
front display window. Fuck! What the hell had happened?
    He didn’t see the bomb guys, but since the cop, Fancy, and
her employee were standing so close to the shop, he assumed there wasn’t any
chance of an explosion. Throwing his truck into park, he jumped out and hurried
toward the trio. Unable to keep his concern from showing, he headed straight
for Fancy and gently took her elbow until her troubled gaze met his. There was
no mistaking the
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