Through the Fire

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Book: Through the Fire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Donna Hill
pile of body-size pillows stacked in the corners. He walked over andmade himself comfortable, half sitting, half reclining like a satisfied cat.
    That did it, Rae realized. If there was anything to convince her that this was a man after her soul, Quinn’s behavior sealed it. Everyone who’d crossed her threshold always commented about her lack of furniture, the echo in the room, her lackadaisical attitude about “fixing the place up.” Not Quinn. He was just as at home as if it had been his. He looked as if he belonged there.
    Rae stepped over to the baby grand and took a seat. She glanced over her shoulder. “This is still rough,” she said as a preamble.
    “Hey, unless you’re Stevie Wonder or Prince, it takes a minute to write some music.”
    Rae chuckled in agreement. “If only,” she uttered on a puff of laughter, her confidence boosted by his simple observation.
    She flipped the sheets of music to the beginning, pulled in a breath, and exhaled a melody. Her fingers taunted the keys with sharp, sudden chords, played along its spine like a rock skimming water, barely touching but enough to make it ripple. Then her voice slid between jazz and hip-hop, blues and easy listening.
    “…so afraid that time won’t erase what I feel for you.
    Let me go, you need to know
    It’s time to move on.
    All those yesterdays, memories, and such,
    Though they meant so much, they’re gone
    And I’m all alone.
    Let me go. You need to know
    It’s time to move on.
    But I’m so afraid
    That time won’t erase what I feel for you
    In my heart.
    I will always remember your smile.
    The touch of your hand,
    The way you’d walk out a door.
    But all that’s no more.
    Let me go.
    You need to know it’s time to move on.
    But I’m so afraid that even time won’t erase
    What I feel for you…”
    It was as if she’d written every word for him, as if she’d seen inside his heart, his soul, and created the words that he dared not speak, Quinn thought, stunned by the effect the lyrics were having on him—stirring images, emotions, dreams long denied. His throat tightened, the warmth flowing through him as he allowed the rhythm of the words to grab hold of him, seep into his pores. He fully understood that they’d seen the same emotions, shared the same fears. And the realization shook him.
    “…What I feel for you will never die.
    What we had will always be.
    But listen to me
    And let me go.
    I’ll keep you close to my heart
    Even if I start…to love again…”
    Rae’s strong alto rose to a tingling crescendo, raising the hair on Quinn’s arms, swooped down to massage his belly, then gently faded, leaving a whisper of its scent behind.
    Rae lowered her head, feeling spent as if she’djust made passionate love. The words had flowed from her unbidden, taking her by surprise, keeping time with the notes she’d created.
    Neither spoke, each silently acknowledging the significance of the moment. Everything had just been said.
    Rae felt the heat of him directly behind her, tenderly wrap around her to hold her close. She gave in to the embrace, shut her eyes, and rejoiced in the sensation of being held by someone who truly understood.
    “Have you let go?” Quinn asked in a ragged whisper, coming around to sit beside her, not fully understanding why he’d suddenly held her like that. But he seemed to need the contact of warm flesh against warm flesh as much as he believed she did.
    “Some days are better than others.”
    “Yeah. No doubt.” He dragged in a breath and found her eyes, which had filled with tears that flowed onto her cheeks. With the pad of his thumb he gently brushed them away.
    Rae smiled weakly. “Why are you here, Quinn?” Her eyes dragged over his face, memorizing the contours, the sweep of his brows,the depth of his dark eyes, the perfect symmetry of his lips, the smooth chocolate of his skin. She wanted to touch him, taste him, have him hold her again, and her hold him back. She wanted to lie with him,
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